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Gymboss Interval Timer

Item Description

The Gymboss Personal Interval Timer

This is the product I have been waiting years for. As a martial artist, I like to workout on the ole' punching bag, and have for a long time wanted a way to setup consistently timed workouts. Being already familiar with interval training, I wanted to incorporate it into my bag workout. All I had was a stop watch, but you really can't get fully focused on the workout when you have to keep checking the watch and resetting it. There are ways, but they just don't lend into a good workout flow.
Recently while reading about Tabata protocol, and having a growing interest in it, I read someone's mentioning of an interval timer. Intrigued, I read. Turns out the fellow had discovered this device, and was praising it, as well as Tabata. Could this be what I've been looking for?
Short answer - resouinding YES!!!!!
This thing is great. It does interval timers, so you can follow Tabata, but what sets it apart from other timers I've since read about, is that you can set custom timers for it, you're not locked into the Tabata default 20 sec/10 sec intervals. You want a 2 minute boxing round with 30 second rests - you got it. You want to run for 5 minutes, walk for 2 - you got it. Anything at all, baaaaaaaaaaa-byyyyyyy....you got it. :biggrin1:
But seriously, if you're a martial artist, boxer, runner, Tabata follower, whatever, this device can seriously benefit you. There are other settings and features that I'm not going to bore you with, you can check them out at GYMBOSS.COM, they'll explain it better than I can.
Why do I mention this product here at Badger and Blade? Simple, I work for them...just kidding, I've been here long enough ya'll know better than that. I mention it because A) we're a group of people that obviously seek out great products, and tend to trust each other when we give a recommendation for something, and B) I've followed several discussions where some of our members have mentioned Tabata, martial arts, and various interval trainings, and I believe this product is an exceptional value for those things. Best $20 training equipment I've bought in awhile. Besides my jumprope, and combine the two and you have a tremendous workout, longest 4 minutes you've ever spent with a rope (that I need to hear about, anyway). So check it out, I've given the link already, but here are some features:
-Clip - attaches to your shorts or shirt
-programmable timers - customize to what you want
-alarms either beep, vibrate, or both, several beep settings, like long or short
-you can set for one cycle, specific number of cycles, or just to keep going indefinitely, keeping count of how many cycles it's done.
-simple to operate - don't need a Linux certification
I love it, if you're looking for a change in workout, definitely check it out. The one thing I'll add, use Internet Explorer or IE tab in Firefox, because they're checkout doesn't play with Firefox or Opera very well when I bought mine. They sell them on Amazon as well, but shipping is cheaper at their site.

Latest reviews

As a person who likes to workout with a specific goal (time, intervals etc.) this is a near perfect item. Very easy to program, many different settings possible, and it takes a normal triple A battery (for easy replacement). Very small item, many uses in the gym or at home workouts. I can honestly say that if I lost this item I would order another one that same day, nearly indispensable for my workouts!
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Absolutely outstanding piece of kit - even at twice the price.

Setting it up is child's play and the options will cover 90% of peoples' needs.

I use mine when I'm training with my kettlebells - 60 seconds on / 60 secs off for 6 'rounds' or 30 secs / 60 secs depending on what I'm doing.

I also use it for running when I want to warm up for 5 mins before running for 30 mins.

The vibrate is good enough for when I've got my ipod on and the alarm is plenty loud enough when I haven't.
The Gymboss Personal Interval Timer

This is the product I have been waiting years for. As a martial artist, I like to workout on the ole' punching bag, and have for a long time wanted a way to setup consistently timed workouts. Being already familiar with interval training, I wanted to incorporate it into my bag workout. All I had was a stop watch, but you really can't get fully focused on the workout when you have to keep checking the watch and resetting it. There are ways, but they just don't lend into a good workout flow.
Recently while reading about Tabata protocol, and having a growing interest in it, I read someone's mentioning of an interval timer. Intrigued, I read. Turns out the fellow had discovered this device, and was praising it, as well as Tabata. Could this be what I've been looking for?
Short answer - resouinding YES!!!!!
This thing is great. It does interval timers, so you can follow Tabata, but what sets it apart from other timers I've since read about, is that you can set custom timers for it, you're not locked into the Tabata default 20 sec/10 sec intervals. You want a 2 minute boxing round with 30 second rests - you got it. You want to run for 5 minutes, walk for 2 - you got it. Anything at all, baaaaaaaaaaa-byyyyyyy....you got it. :biggrin1:
But seriously, if you're a martial artist, boxer, runner, Tabata follower, whatever, this device can seriously benefit you. There are other settings and features that I'm not going to bore you with, you can check them out at GYMBOSS.COM, they'll explain it better than I can.
Why do I mention this product here at Badger and Blade? Simple, I work for them...just kidding, I've been here long enough ya'll know better than that. I mention it because A) we're a group of people that obviously seek out great products, and tend to trust each other when we give a recommendation for something, and B) I've followed several discussions where some of our members have mentioned Tabata, martial arts, and various interval trainings, and I believe this product is an exceptional value for those things. Best $20 training equipment I've bought in awhile. Besides my jumprope, and combine the two and you have a tremendous workout, longest 4 minutes you've ever spent with a rope (that I need to hear about, anyway). So check it out, I've given the link already, but here are some features:
-Clip - attaches to your shorts or shirt
-programmable timers - customize to what you want
-alarms either beep, vibrate, or both, several beep settings, like long or short
-you can set for one cycle, specific number of cycles, or just to keep going indefinitely, keeping count of how many cycles it's done.
-simple to operate - don't need a Linux certification
I love it, if you're looking for a change in workout, definitely check it out. The one thing I'll add, use Internet Explorer or IE tab in Firefox, because they're checkout doesn't play with Firefox or Opera very well when I bought mine. They sell them on Amazon as well, but shipping is cheaper at their site.
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)

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