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Missus is not on board

After years of nagging for not shaving as much since leaving the Armed Forces I decided to take up DE, in doing so I have in a couple of months amassed 6 razors and various creams, a bowl and other bits and bobs.
Today razor 5 and 6 turned up a nice win from Ebay of two techs for £11 inc p&p, missus starts questioning why do you need more? Because they are different styles
What are you going to do with them? Use them
Are you going to buy more? Might do
Why? Because I can
But I don't understand you can only use one at a time? I don't understand makeup but you have loads of it.
But you need different types, what 32 different lipsticks? You can only use one at a time.

She's not talking to me now.
I can see where you're coming from, but I think you've made a tactical error. Why don't you gift her with a razor, brush, and soap--or even better, offer to shave her legs for her. Experiencing a comfortable wet shave might open her eyes.
It's like the twilight zone, I swear I've had this conversation before... Apparently ater years of nagging because I didn't shave enough, now I like shaving too much! SWMBO and I also fail to see eye to eye on my RAD.

Please provide an update if you come up with a winning argument :lol:
Well for £11 including postage I would call that an investment not a "Nice win from Ebay" if she asks again. Nice score brother! Remember, this will save you and your family money in the long run :lol:

Raven Koenes

My precious!
Lol!!! My wife does not understand the need for more soaps, blades, and razors. I don't argue with her, as I was taught never argue with a woman because even if you win you lose (especially then wink, wink, nudge, nudge). I just persevered through persistence by acquisition. I wasn't fooling her she did notice my drawer filling up over time, but by then she began to realize there are a lot worse, costly, addictions...I mean hobbies. So far she is very kind and mentioned that I might not need to buy any more blades for awhile. I'm pulling for you we're all in this together. :w00t:
Maybe she would like you to have a different hobby like buying fine scotch whiskey and drinking it every night.
The makeup and lipstick thing was a good point.
Now once she cools down just logically point out how many pairs of shoes she has as well.
It'll totally make sense to her at that point. Logic will surely make her see this from your side and she'll encourage you to buy more shaving stuff. That's how women work, they're wired to be logical.

No wait, that's terrible advice that'll never work. I'm afraid you've likely made your situation worse. Steve gave you good advice above but you'll likely have to wait for her to be even remotely interested though before you'd get a favorable response to her converting to wet shaving. My wife tried it and it took way to long for her to shave. However, if you offered to shave her legs for her she might be agreeable as women seem to hate that task and you doing it for her will make her feel pampered.

To fix your current problem, I'd recommend that the next time you go online to buy yourself another shaving soap or some blades that you look for something for her like a nice bath soap or some quality lotion. This way she'll say "What did you buy this time?" in a mean way, and then you can say "Come here, I bought you something nice". It doesn't have to be anything super expensive because it's thoughtful. Sometimes buy yourself nothing and just get something for her so that she can see that you're not justifying your purchase every time by buying her something. With those you go "here you go this one is all yours". You don't have to buy her things all the time, if you do this even once in a while she'll certainly stop complaining when you buy something like an old razor for $11.
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Just a word from a man who had this discussion 20+ years ago. If she’s not settled into your hobby now, she probably never will. But that’s OK, you both don’t have to have the same interests. I tried the ‘your stuff’ tactic and she only got angry. I bought her a few vintage razors, she ignores them. I started taking over the bathroom space..she reacted! We have settled into a truce. This side mine, that side yours, and nobody comments on how much of what we have. Then again take note that I must have around 200 razors in my collection(not all displayed at one time). Hey! maybe that tact could work for you. Say honey this is really not an issue, there’s this guy w/ 200 razors…unless of course your RAD has you headed in that direction…LOL.


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
This could get me in trouble (here, not with any women I know). Many/most women I know do not understand logic. "What do my shoes, makeup, handbags have to do with anything?"

You tried a logical tack?
I can see where you're coming from, but I think you've made a tactical error. Why don't you gift her with a razor, brush, and soap--or even better, offer to shave her legs for her. Experiencing a comfortable wet shave might open her eyes.

Get her CRSW Bois Floraux and all will be well.
Women don't understand hobbies the same way men do, it's generally not even worth getting into the argument.
Your only safe reply is along the lines of "I'm just trying out a bunch of different stuff to figure out what I like best, then I'll settle down with that."
I used B&B recently when a new shaving brush and razor arrived after some soap. I told me wife as a Moderator on B&B it is my duty to try out new products and report on them to fellow B&Bers. I said I was doing a public service.

She didn't believe me - but did laugh!
My wife isn't too bad about it. She does drop little hints about me spending too much money, but then I did just drop $2800 on a bass, $700 on a gun, bought my dad a flight in a WWII warbird for $600, etc. so she wasn't really singling out the razor/soap/AS thing I got going on. A month and a half in and I'm down about $400. :)
After years of nagging for not shaving as much since leaving the Armed Forces I decided to take up DE, in doing so I have in a couple of months amassed 6 razors and various creams, a bowl and other bits and bobs.
Today razor 5 and 6 turned up a nice win from Ebay of two techs for £11 inc p&p, missus starts questioning why do you need more? Because they are different styles
What are you going to do with them? Use them
Are you going to buy more? Might do
Why? Because I can
But I don't understand you can only use one at a time? I don't understand makeup but you have loads of it.
But you need different types, what 32 different lipsticks? You can only use one at a time.

She's not talking to me now.
Reads like you're training her well!
How many shoes does she have, how many black ones, red ones, etc.......
How many shampoos? My wife could stock a grocers isle with her quantity.

I don't buy the happy wife happy life motto. All that means to me is she's got all the control and that is not a two way street!
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47 years married. Lots and lots of arguments, but not ever any over personal grooming goods. I encourage her and she encourages me. Do we understand each other? Probably not! For she is woman and I am man!! She acquires what she desires. I now do the same! WE are old and time is short. The way of life! After one has enough to eat and a place to live? So little time left and so many shaving things to experience!!!


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
Absolutely classic, Jim

I used B&B recently when a new shaving brush and razor arrived after some soap. I told me wife as a Moderator on B&B it is my duty to try out new products and report on them to fellow B&Bers. I said I was doing a public service.

She didn't believe me - but did laugh!
After years of nagging for not shaving as much since leaving the Armed Forces I decided to take up DE, in doing so I have in a couple of months amassed 6 razors and various creams, a bowl and other bits and bobs.
Today razor 5 and 6 turned up a nice win from Ebay of two techs for £11 inc p&p, missus starts questioning why do you need more? Because they are different styles
What are you going to do with them? Use them
Are you going to buy more? Might do
Why? Because I can
But I don't understand you can only use one at a time? I don't understand makeup but you have loads of it.
But you need different types, what 32 different lipsticks? You can only use one at a time.

She's not talking to me now.

Had this conversation yesterday. She asked why buy all these razors? they all do the same function.

I said why buy bags? Sacks can work just fine.

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