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Where do you storage used blades that you are still using?

Just thought on a simple idea that I wanted to try a long time, but forgot about that. Maybe it was used before, don't know..

Where do you put yours?
I don't get it. I use a blade and then toss it.

For me, blades are either in their wrapper, in a razor, or in the trash. Why would you glue blades to your brush stand?
I don't get this either. Why would anyone start using a new blade if they weren't finished with the old one? I open a new blade and put it in the razor where it remains until it is discarded for a fresh blade.
I don't get it. I use a blade and then toss it.

For me, blades are either in their wrapper, in a razor, or in the trash. Why would you glue blades to your brush stand?
The blades are not glued to the brush stand. Look closely, the magnet in the first pic is glued and the blades are attached to the magnet.
I usually use a blade 1-2 times and toss. Didn't find a proper place for it, didn't want to leave a blade in a razor (I like clean razors after use) and many times just threw the blade away from this reason.

I don't get this either. Why would anyone start using a new blade if they weren't finished with the old one? I open a new blade and put it in the razor where it remains until it is discarded for a fresh blade.
For me, one of the most enjoyable things in DE shaving is diversity. I don't like to use the same razor day after day. So why using different blades? Because I have blades that don't go well with other razors, so I use a different blade for different razor.
A bit of flexability..

I really thought it is common...
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I enjoy variety as well but my desire is not so urgent that I can't wait 4-5 shaves (average number of uses per blade for me) before having to switch razors. To each his own I guess. It seems like too much unnecessary fussing about to me.
While my habits agree with this guy ^ I will say that you're probably not the only one here doing this, and you've found a clever solution to the problem.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Nice idea. I handle the blade as little as possible, so I keep mine in the razor until it goes in the blade bank. But I almost always use my current favorite razor every day.
To some this may not make any sense, but i can ser why hes doing this.

I have about 7 in my rotation, and when a blade doesnt agree with certain razor, i dont just toss it, but save it so i can use it with another razor.

Actually a pretty neat idea. I usually just leavr them lying around in my shelf designated to shaving items.


Needs milk and a bidet!
You are definitely not the only one with multiple open blades awaiting shaves.

I typically leave mine in the razor.
I was going to ask this a while back and I like the magnet idea.

I don't use many different blades but do use the same blade in different razors.

Right now I leave my blade in a shaving bowl

Good posting thanks
I've had another enthusiast tell me I should use a magnet for blades that are in use; that I should not store them in the razor. Perhaps it is the issue of continuing to expose the razor to blade residue, or any slight corrosion, or whatever, but somehow it is good for the razor if you take out the blade.
That reminds me of people preserving handmade carpets by hanging them on the wall, or preserving shoes by not walking on them, or by walking only on grassy surfaces, or stretching out use of tools by using them conservatively in some way or another. All such things require additional time-consuming habits which bring thinly marginal benefits at best. As much as I enjoy DE shaving, I cannot justify the time to add yet more minutes for care and feeding of the enjoyable habit.
All that stated, I am in the camp that inserts a blade, uses it for 4 to 7 shaves, keeps it in the razor the whole time, and then tosses it.
I have a small, square metal tin with a lid under my bathroom sink. I just drop the blades in there. Should last me a looooong time.
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