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How do you feel about rolled sleeves on dress shirts?

When I see rolled sleeves in a business casual setting, I feel...

  • approval - this man is getting down to business!

  • indifference - it's fine / has no particular meaning

  • disapproval - too casual for business casual

  • seething rage - just wear a polo, you dolt!

  • something else - please explain in the comments

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I wanted to test the waters and see how people feel about rolled sleeves on dress shirts, particularly in a business / business casual setting. I wear them rolled quite frequently, mainly as a means of regulating temperature. I don't see many other people with rolled sleeves at work, but the fact that many people don't wear dress shirts confuses the issue.

Anyways, I was just curious as to how my 'look' might be seen by others.

Personally, I wear a much classier style of belt and trousers, but these fellows lifted from the internet do an excellent job of conveying the look I am asking about.

Not sure about Canada, but in Texas, you see it all the time. As far as I know, it's not a problem. I roll mine up all the time in the summer with and without my tie on.
It depends for me, if im going to be in meetings and work stuff I don't roll them up, but if I'm off work and just going to a cigar lounge after work, I will roll them up for a more casual look
infinitely better than short sleeved shirts, I refuse to buy SS dress shirts but living in TX it gets hot so I'll roll up my sleeves in the summer occasionally.
I often roll sleeves halfway up forearm. Too near the elbow and I start getting self conscious like I'm wearing short shorts....
If you are/or ever were a scout, rolled up sleeves means you are getting to work. Its right up there with "get your hands out of your pockets". Some things make you look like you are getting business done. Also it helps me stay cool. In winter they crank the heat so it gets hot in the office when its stone cold outside.
My two cents worth.
It's fine, I dont see it as any issue at all. In fact I really like that some dress shirts have a contrasting fabric under the collar and sleeve cuffs because it can look really good to roll your cuffs just once to show the contrast (popping the collar not so much).
I don't like the rolled up look or feeling. If its that hot out I wear short sleeves or suck it up and leave the sleeves down.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I prefer two folds to the roll, but I do not resort to violence if I see the sleeve rolled above the elbow.

I do not like short sleeves with a jacket, it looks like half an effort to me.
one to two folds is preferable. if i find myself embroiled in an old-tyme bare-knuckled street fight, i might roll above the elbow.
It's not a fashion statement, but I roll up the cuffs of my long sleeve shirts because my work deals with a lot of computer hardware. I don't want the cuffs in the way or getting dirty. We're also a little less than business casual around here.

My opinion is that if you are working in a place that's OK with the open collar they shouldn't be too upset by the rolled up sleeves.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member

I like the look.

Of course, it's a less formal look ... and requires you to remove your suit jacket if dressed that way ... but it does have a certain "hands on" charm.
I prefer two folds to the roll, but I do not resort to violence if I see the sleeve rolled above the elbow.
That is my perspective as well.

I have a shirt that is more causal than dressy that I always wear with a couple of folds, because the sleeve is just a little short but otherwise fits well and I like it.
Wear a short sleeved shirt,unless the only shirt you own is a long sleeve...I have noticed when politicians want to pretend they are "one of the boys" or pretend they are
"hard at work" , they invariably arrange a photo-op where they can appear with rolled up sleeves...
I like this look, but as stated it looks better without a tie and is thus less formal


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Don't lime them all the way up. I will tuck the cuff underneath one time and wear it like that. Or twice the "normal" way. If rolled up that high - where a short sleeve shirt. IMHO
I've gotten good at ironing, so I hate screwing up a sleeve, but if it's time to work (or play very hard), I'll roll up the sleeves and get dirty.
I'll fold the cuff a couple times to where it's still below my elbow. Only would roll above the elbow if I were actually reaching into a tank of water or soemthing.
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