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Who can name movies or TV shows that have shaving scenes.

Watching public enemies i noticed Johnny Depp using what looked like a gillette tech? Of course i made my friend rewind and double check! not quite sure if a tech was period correct but it's a cool scene, you can hear the razor cutting the stubble
OK, so I have a few. First of a few people have mentioned Hogan's Heroes. I remember the scene between Hogan and Klink in the bathroom in England. There was also a scene in one where Newkirk was whipping up lather in a white milk glass mug, and then it shows him shaving with a DE a few moments later. I also remember a scene showing Colonel Klink shaving with a straight. In Saving Private Ryan, there's a scene where Captain Miller is talking to the Major and he is telling him about his new mission to go get Ryan and Hanks looks over and sees a Private shaving with a DE that looks like a SS to me. Also pictured is a metal bowl a brush and a tube of cream. In The Natural there is the scene someone else mentioned with the DE and the Straight where the two guys are discussing winning the World Series. Schindler's List has a scene where Schindler is shown shaving with a DE and Goeth the camp Kommandant is shown shaving with a straight. It's a good scene because they keep cutting back and forth between the two. And last but not least there's the infamous shaving scenes in The Dirty Dozen. The one where Lee Marvin has them shave without hot water so they will unite as a team in defiance, the best I can remember that shows some DE razors, I need to rewatch that one. I think it's funny how I never noticed these things until I got into this hobby of wet shaving. I never noticed things like the guy in Private Ryan, to me he was just a guy shaving, but now I see a scene like that and I'm pausing and rewinding saying to myself "oooohhhh, what kind of razor is that, what is that tube of cream, what kind of brush is that, etc,etc...
OK, so I have a few. First of a few people have mentioned Hogan's Heroes. I remember the scene between Hogan and Klink in the bathroom in England. There was also a scene in one where Newkirk was whipping up lather in a white milk glass mug, and then it shows him shaving with a DE a few moments later. I also remember a scene showing Colonel Klink shaving with a straight. In Saving Private Ryan, there's a scene where Captain Miller is talking to the Major and he is telling him about his new mission to go get Ryan and Hanks looks over and sees a Private shaving with a DE that looks like a SS to me. Also pictured is a metal bowl a brush and a tube of cream. In The Natural there is the scene someone else mentioned with the DE and the Straight where the two guys are discussing winning the World Series. Schindler's List has a scene where Schindler is shown shaving with a DE and Goeth the camp Kommandant is shown shaving with a straight. It's a good scene because they keep cutting back and forth between the two. And last but not least there's the infamous shaving scenes in The Dirty Dozen. The one where Lee Marvin has them shave without hot water so they will unite as a team in defiance, the best I can remember that shows some DE razors, I need to rewatch that one. I think it's funny how I never noticed these things until I got into this hobby of wet shaving. I never noticed things like the guy in Private Ryan, to me he was just a guy shaving, but now I see a scene like that and I'm pausing and rewinding saying to myself "oooohhhh, what kind of razor is that, what is that tube of cream, what kind of brush is that, etc,etc...
i have to watch dirty dozen again for those secenes, i do know telly savalas had to shave since he was bald:lol:,
just found one...mel gibson on "edge of darkness" 2010 suspense thriller movie, at the 1:30 mark he shaves using a razor. cant make out the razor though.
Ok - not shaving, but there's a Razor (Slim Adjustable) used by Sean Connery in "Goldfinger"

Just saw this one last night! Nice to have yet another thing to fixate on!

And as a side note, being just 6 yo at the time when Goldfinger came out, can anybody who was an adult at the time recall if "***** Galore" was controversial? It doesn't even seem very innuendo-ish, if you know what I mean.


And as a side note, being just 6 yo at the time when Goldfinger came out, can anybody who was an adult at the time recall if "***** Galore" was controversial? It doesn't even seem very innuendo-ish, if you know what I mean.

It was VERY controversial at the time ... the kind of thing that Talk Show hosts and junior-high school boys revel in.
several have already mentioned M.A.S.H.
only other non-modern i've seen was a straight in the live-action Speed Racer movie-near the end one of the "bad guy" drivers is shaving with a straight. that was actually the first time i ever saw one used.

this aughta just go in general discussion so we don't have to herald every mention of a straight razor.
several have already mentioned M.A.S.H.
only other non-modern i've seen was a straight in the live-action Speed Racer movie-near the end one of the "bad guy" drivers is shaving with a straight. that was actually the first time i ever saw one used.

this aughta just go in general discussion so we don't have to herald every mention of a straight razor.

true, but we just wanna focus on d/e shaving if posible:thumbup1::laugh:
don't know if it's been mentioned yet or not, but The Book of Eli (Denzel Washington) has the bad guy being shaved with a straight at the beginning, and the good guy being shaved with a straight at the end.


Phenomenon 1996 John Travolta his girlfriend in the movie shaves his face with a Schick Krona. Before shave it shows her using the tto mechanism to put the blade in.
Phenomenon 1996 John Travolta his girlfriend in the movie shaves his face with a Schick Krona. Before shave it shows her using the tto mechanism to put the blade in.

wow i dont remember that scene...im look for it on you tube


Not sure if its mentioned. The movie Next with Nicolas Cage 97'? He uses a DE to shave. Can't tell which one it is. I watched the scene multiple times. The scene after he steals the car and before the cops try to find him.
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