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Favorite Fight Scenes - Movies or Animated Movies

There are so many! This is one thing Hollywood knows how to do. Maybe not how to make realistic, but how to make interesting.

And by "Hollywood" I really mean all movie producers, especially including Hong Kong.
I'm a sucker for anime, so the season finales for G Gundam (the worst of all Gundam series) are spectacular.

Aside from that, The One with Jet Li, fighting Jet Li. How can it get better?
Just about anything with Jackie Chan will work. He is the last guy you want to throw a bench or chair at, that's for sure :smile:
+1 his are amazingly well choreographed fights

The Matrix - lobby scene.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Raiden vs Vamp!!! great fight!!
+1 on the matrix
and +1 on any fight in mgs4, it is an epic game. do you play online?

princess bride: the chatty dual:thumbup1:
+1 a great part of the film and the book.
Roddy Piper and Keith David having a punch fest over wearing the special glasses in "They Live."

I was in pain after watching that one.


And the step-for-step, punch-for-punch "cripple fight" recreation in South Park.

Crap! [note to self]read entire thread before replying{/note to self]
I might not call it the best, but one of the funnies is from Family Guy...Peter vs. the chicken. What makes it so funny is the length of the fights during an episode and then the recurring jokes to it in future episodes. :)
Any fight/battle from Samurai Jack
Any lightsaber battle/duel
The duel between Achilles and Hector in the movie Troy
Pretty much the all the fights in the Bourne Triology

There are a bunch more that I can't think of right now.
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