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Dislike Amazon more then ever as of today🔥

So my wife wanted new door hardware. Kwickset, and Amazon was cheapest.

Box arrives, item is right, today I go to do install, no directions.

Called Kwickset, and after many questions, tech person says where did you buy. AMAZON, they reply you did not get new product.

We package in clear plastic, andalway give paper installation instructions.

Thing that make me mad was lockset were sold as new, not refurburushed. On inspection I found scratches.

Another Reason for me not to do Amazon, sadly wife like the company.🤮🤯
I've had excellent experiences with Amazon. Exceptional, in fact. Once I ordered some barbell weights. When a box with a hole arrived(looks like somebody's stole the contents) I contacted them and they immediately sent replacement. Didn't ask for proof or anything. Just took my word for it and send replacements then and there despite everything going right on there end. Just one example of many. I could just lie and say somebody stole the box and they'd send another nonetheless.


System Generated
I've had excellent experiences with Amazon. Exceptional, in fact. Once I ordered some barbell weights. When a box with a hole arrived(looks like somebody's stole the contents) I contacted them and they immediately sent replacement. Didn't ask for proof or anything. Just took my word for it and send replacements then and there despite everything going right on there end. Just one example of many. I could just lie and say somebody stole the box and they'd send another nonetheless.
Same here. I only purchase if it's Sold/Shipped directly from Amazon. I won't purchase if it's 3rd party sold/shipped.

If for some reason there is an issue with the item, it's refuned, replaced immediately or made correct with credits (and sometimes keeping the product).
They'll probably make it right and you might even just keep that one and get some more on the way.
That's no good no good at all to get used.
Last time I ordered a little Dr heater electric heater to my surprise a brand new printer showed up. They say just keep the $200 printer and they sent me another $200 heater.
I realize it don't always work out like that. Sometimes you have to send it back or take it to a boxing place that will send it back all for free, not counting time and gas.
So my wife wanted new door hardware. Kwickset, and Amazon was cheapest.

Box arrives, item is right, today I go to do install, no directions.

Called Kwickset, and after many questions, tech person says where did you buy. AMAZON, they reply you did not get new product.

We package in clear plastic, andalway give paper installation instructions.

Thing that make me mad was lockset were sold as new, not refurburushed. On inspection I found scratches.

Another Reason for me not to do Amazon, sadly wife like the company.🤮🤯
yeah brother, gotta make sure it ships direct from the manufacture OR directly from amazon. its kinda weird how easy secondhand products show up even thought its not allowed.
We have had a few issues, but not too many with Amazon. Our problem where we live is every store gets shopped heavily. You can find an item on line and it’s sold out with nothing available for 20 miles. Christmas used to be a nightmare, now we just have the kids send us a list from Amazon. Items gets ordered and they’re here in a couple days.

We have some weird furnace filters that I can’t find anywhere locally. I ordered them Monday from Amazon with a Friday delivery date and they were here today. Overall I can’t complain.
I won't badmouth Amazon here's why. My wife has feet of two sizes. She ordered a pair of flats (that's shoes guys) in size 6. One foot was ok the other too big. So she ordered a size 5.5 for one foot and keep the first size 6. She got the right sizes but now were stuck with a pair of $50 shoes we can't use. For the heck of it I called Amazon and explained and asked if I could return a pair of shoes of different sizes. They said no problem and gave me a refund. They also recently refunded me non-returnable items. That's my Amazon experience.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I don't want to give the impression that I don't use or that I don't like Amazon.
I use it frequently and generally have good results, and returns have been pretty easy when things go wrong.
I do think:
There are counterfeits and used goods being sold.
They screw up fairly frequently.
The reviews system is a joke.
The price for a given item varies a LOT between different sellers.
If you're careful about the source of what you buy, and don't mind the hassle of returning goods when they screw up, I think it's a viable shopping option, though usually not the cheapest one.
I agree about the problems with Amazon. I was looking for a shaving brush and the package description said it was 1 inch x 1 inch x 1 inch. There are a lot of description errors and the reviews often of completely incorrect even if you ask a specific question.

But as mentioned here, CHECK the fine print to see if the item is returnable/refundable and sold/ships from Amazon. Saves a lot of problems.

Ad Astra

The Instigator
Be wary when ordering "non refundable food items," is all I can say.

To be fair, it's 90% clear sailing, but there are more BS problems lately.

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