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Week of 1912?

I just tried a treet blade.
It's very different, but that may be my imagination, so I thought I'd run my observations pasts you guys.
First of all, it cut me up like a new DE user using a feather DE. That could be my poor technique, even though I've never been cut using a GEM and a bluestar or personna blade.
But it could have been me being too relaxed due to getting away with any misdemeanor I may have committed using this GEM for 8 days.
Also this blade was made by the same ASR plant that produces nearly every other SE razor I have, there's no reason for this blade to be sharper than the others, is there?

But...this treet blade was way smoother and sharper than the blue star or the personna.
The blue star was equivalent in my opinion to a red personna DE, it make an audible scraping cutting noise as it sliced the beard, but did a decent job.
The GEM personna didn't stand out as any better, it was as rough as a 3 shave old bluestar, and didn't seem much better the next day. Although it's performance wasn't bad, and maybe it's key is longevity, I wouldn't pay a lot more for them over the bluestar.

But this Treet, nothing like the 'roughness' of the bluestar or personna, it was more like a feather in that you couldn't hear the loud scraping cutting action, just count the weepers that appear afterwards.
Any weaper that occurred was definitely my fault, as I wasn't expecting such a sharp blade and was too comfortable with doing what ever I wanted with a bluestar or personna and not getting cut.

So is it just me that think the treets are different, ie sharper, to the blue star and personna?
If it's just me, then maybe I seated the blade into the razor differently.
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So is it just me that think the treets are different, ie sharper, to the blue star and personna?

I couldn't tell any difference between the Gem and the Treet except that I only got 2 shaves out of the Treet because I forgot to rinse it in alcohol and the edge developed rust. But, I have very limited experience. I had three shaves on the Gem and 2 on the Treet.

More testing!

If I'm not mistaken,the Treet SE blades are carbon steel, rather than stainless. As such, they can take a keener edge, but dull more quickly than a stainless steel blade. Of course, I could be wrong.

I was so with you on the 1912 thing. I have a 1912, a Junior and a Micromatic, all SE's. I, too enjoy using them and get fine shaves. Was doing a little experiment myself, setting my three against each other. Was well into the week, well, three days anyway, when an almost new '60 Fatboy arrives at my door, thanks to thebeav. Pretty. Shiny. I couldn't resist, got some of the best shavs of my life. I'll go back now, after three days with the surprising good Fatnboy, to my Gem comparison. I must say that I was having some fine shaves, using the Gem blades I have. They seem to be sharp enough and feel smooth on my face. Since good blades are kind of hard to come by, I've been using the Gem blade in my comparisons. And for me, too early to tell. The 1912 gave a great shave but I don't know if it was much better than the Micromatic Clog-Pruf all brass I use. When the blade is the same, new in each razor to start, the differences are probably the shaver. Gonna' assume the technique was the same. I got the same fine shaves with each of them, they all gave DFS, and not much difference. I know this may be too simplistic. And If I change my mind and one does dominate, I'll let you know.
Today's SE experiment didn't go so well. So far I have 5 shaves with the 1912 (3 on a Gem blade and 2 on a Treet). I thought I was getting the hang of it and was getting good shaves. Today I loaded up a fresh Gem in my new 1924. After the first pass (WTG) I had a few weepers - very unusual for a WTG pass. It didn't stop there, though. More weepers appeared after the second pass (XTG) on the right side of my face, so I switched the blade to the 1912. It seemed to do a better job than the 1924, but I still ended up with more weepers than I'm comfortable with on the left side of my neck. Even when I do get weepers, they usually go away after a cold water rinse. Occasionally it'll take a quick splash of after shave too, but today they took a little more work. Nothing horrible, but I haven't had a shave like this in a long time. So far, everything seems to be turning out fine. I don't have any irritation (surprisingly) and it's a really close shave. Time will tell if the irritation returns. I have the feeling that it was the blade.

I noticed that the blade sits differently in the 1924 than in the 1912. In the 1912 it's slightly sprung and the blade is pushed up against its stops. In the 1924 the blade lies flat (unsprung). I made sure that the blade in the 1924 was seated against its stops, so it was properly aligned. But I'm wondering if the sprung condition of the blade in the 1912 makes any difference.

disappointed, but not discouraged
Jeff, whenever I try a GEM blade in a new razor, I hand strop it for the first shave. As I believe was mentioned earlier, the first shave with a GEM Pella/Persona is oh-so-close, but sometimes too close. By the second or third shave, the blade calms down; this can be accelerated by a couple of strops on each side prior to loading the blade for the first shave. I personally highly encourage this when loading a Gem into a razor you've not used before with one.
Jeff, whenever I try a GEM blade in a new razor, I hand strop it for the first shave. As I believe was mentioned earlier, the first shave with a GEM Pella/Persona is oh-so-close, but sometimes too close. By the second or third shave, the blade calms down; this can be accelerated by a couple of strops on each side prior to loading the blade for the first shave. I personally highly encourage this when loading a Gem into a razor you've not used before with one.

I'll hand strop the next fresh blade. I don't have much experience with these SE blades, but now that I think about it, my first shave with a Gem in my 1912 was a little rough too.

This morning's blade is being punished. I'm teaching it a lesson by using it to scrape damaged spar varnish off a prototype brush handle.



I think I did about a month of 1912 a while back, with a few random DE or Sensor shaves thrown in here and their. The GEM 1912 shaves like magic. I sometimes get pissed after shaving with a DE, because I get irritation and a less then close shave. With the 1912, I seem to always get a great shave. The only downside is the shaves take longer, since I am being more careful. I can't fly through a SE shave like I can a DE shave. THat may be part of the problem!
I'm also taking longer with the SE shave (1912 ER & Gem Blue Star). Problem area for me is the moustache area, hard to get septum/nostril area. I'm not a fan through there with the SE....but perservering and trying different angles.
The 1924 is the s/e equivalent of an older Muhle-Pinsel R89.:wink:I find them a lot more aggressive than a 1912.:eek:
Is that the one where the cap flips forward to load the blade?
If so I have an ever-ready version of them that I might try out soon, an aggressive razor is better for me, my skin can take it 1-2 passes with one of them. Overall I prefer more aggressive razors, less passes means less chance of irritation and nicks for me for some reason. It's the third pass and touchups that cause problems for me. That's why I always used and aggressive DE razor with a feather, so I could get a good shave with just two passes and just a little touchup in troublesome areas.

The razor I have with a [edit: forward] flip top head is so shiney, I've never seen a razor so clean and all flat and smooth, it's like polished silver tableware.
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I'm also taking longer with the SE shave (1912 ER & Gem Blue Star). Problem area for me is the moustache area, hard to get septum/nostril area. I'm not a fan through there with the SE....but perservering and trying different angles.

My GEM shaves in that area start with a N-S pass, to get the hairs closest to the nose I start with the top of the head pretty much flat against my nostrils and kind of "roll" the blade down. Next is a kind of sideways pass from the outside in. I think there was a pic of an instruction sheet that showed that angle, but I can't seem to find it right now. Maybe someone can recall that post. A compass point reference would be NW-SE and vise versa. If I'm living on the edge that morning I'll finish with a S-N pass, but that almost always leads to some amount of blood. You'll learn what works best for your face, it just might take a few tries.
If I'm living on the edge that morning I'll finish with a S-N pass, but that almost always leads to some amount of blood. You'll learn what works best for your face, it just might take a few tries.

I only recently shaved off my 'stache (a little over a week ago) and up until yesterday I always got a little blood in that area. The whiskers there are like little steel rods!

For some reason, last night's shave left me BBS in the 'stache area with no blood. Maybe the skin is toughening up there after 40 years (!) of being protected behind its little hedge. The other thing is I concentrated on two things last night:

  1. Come at it slowly and in small areas from many angles before going directly ATG.
  2. Super light touch, including a very light grip on the razor so as not to force anything.

P.S. Also a GEM shave.
Just got some Gems from eBay as part of a bigger lot. I was thinking of keeping the Micromatic for display and trading/selling the other three (2 jr's and a g-bar I think?).

One the other hand, I'm just more into the DE shaving right now and don't need another ad getting me going.:smile:

With that in mind, my question is whether it's even worth keeping the Micromatic at all? I like the look of the box mainly, but I don't know if I'd ever use the razor itself (no blades). I'd hate to have it just sit on the shelf if someone out there can actually use it, but I don't even know how popular these are to be worth my time trying to sell/trade them.:confused:

If you guys have any advice, I'll bite.

Just got some Gems from eBay as part of a bigger lot. I was thinking of keeping the Micromatic for display and trading/selling the other three (2 jr's and a g-bar I think?).

One the other hand, I'm just more into the DE shaving right now and don't need another ad getting me going.:smile:

With that in mind, my question is whether it's even worth keeping the Micromatic at all? I like the look of the box mainly, but I don't know if I'd ever use the razor itself (no blades). I'd hate to have it just sit on the shelf if someone out there can actually use it, but I don't even know how popular these are to be worth my time trying to sell/trade them.:confused:

If you guys have any advice, I'll bite.


I'm assuming that the pic are the razors in question. You have, from left to right, a Featherweight, two pat. 1912 GEMs, and the open comb Micromatic. The 1912's would likely sell quick on the BST, the Featherweight and Micromatic might take a little longer. I'd say give each style of razor a chance, shave a week with them and see if you like it. SE razor styles are very limited compared to DE's so this is potentially an inexpensive AD to have, relatively speaking:wink:. Why pass on a razor that might be the best one for you?
I couldn't tell any difference between the Gem and the Treet except that I only got 2 shaves out of the Treet because I forgot to rinse it in alcohol and the edge developed rust. But, I have very limited experience. I had three shaves on the Gem and 2 on the Treet.

More testing!


Yeah, I just used the treet for the second time then. Not a patch on what it was the first time. There was no visible rust (I only wiped it down and dried it, I didn't use alcohol on it either though). But it shaved like a 3 shave old blade anyway.
I got a decent shave out of it, but it wasn't as sharp, it took a lot of effort to cut through my beard. But no weepers or cuts either this time.

It could have been it oxidised after storing it, or it could be that it loses it's edge during the first shave even.
I've got 9 more from the sample pack I bought, so I'll try to store them in a mason jar with alcohol next time
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