A few weeks back I had mentioned how frustrated I was that I can only get 2 decent shaves from a blade.
Well last week I purchased a small inexpensive ultrasonic cleaning machine. The non-professional type used for cleaning jewelry at home.
After every shave now I place the blade in the machine. The only solvent in there is isoprpyl alcohol. I let it run for about one minute and then I place it back in the razor. Today I had my fourth shave with the same blade and it was as smooth shaving as the first time I used it. My next shave will be number 5 with the blade. I'll continue with the experiment to see how long I can keep this up. I still can't believe this.
Well last week I purchased a small inexpensive ultrasonic cleaning machine. The non-professional type used for cleaning jewelry at home.
After every shave now I place the blade in the machine. The only solvent in there is isoprpyl alcohol. I let it run for about one minute and then I place it back in the razor. Today I had my fourth shave with the same blade and it was as smooth shaving as the first time I used it. My next shave will be number 5 with the blade. I'll continue with the experiment to see how long I can keep this up. I still can't believe this.