Unfortunately so. It's getting much harder to come by.Austin said:Rik, very nice acquisition. Very nice scent. Unfortunately, isn't Havana discontinued?
SSLStudio said:Cool are you from the Netherlands or since Verguldehand I would not think it would lie in us stores.
I deleted my stoopid post before I wasnt so awake thought I was in SOTD ..oh..the tropical heat...
rossination said:Wow, Alexander (LX_Emergency) really came through for me! I had offered to buy a MB soap for him in exchange for his Dragon's Blood (he wanted to try something else and I was making an order, so I tacked it on). Well, the Dragon's Blood came today - but he also included some Palmolive and some other shaving soap! (pictures coming). Truly a stand-up guy, who sent the stuff off while on his honeymoon. I don't know what his SWMBO thought of it, but it was definitely a gesture that I appreciated.
[EDIT] Here's the photo. LX is on his honeymoon - can anyone else identify the soap in the middle? I just lathered some up; it smells nice. Very mild soapy smell.
Right your are in Southwest Asia. (aka Middle East).. I sniffed the lemon-lime and it smelled smokey. After the vetiver shave this AM, everything smells smokey.. I made it even more so by spritzing on some L'Occitane Vetiver edt on... Whoo hoo!crackstar said:Ron, those 2 Gillette creams are made in Lebanon. I know of a store here in Montreal which carries them as well. I tried the menthol one, which lathers great, and leaves me with a very cool face, but I don't care for the scent, the lemon-lime one, well that one also lathers great, but there's too much of a lemon-lime scent! That's my opinion, you might love them both.