Badger & Blade

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  2. ImaWestie
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ImaWestie is a not-quite-40 year old bloke from the bush in NSW, but right now he lives in the Mt Druitt area of Western Sydney.


Westies are city versions of what Americans would call a red-neck. I've been a bushy (which is a bit close to a red-neck) but now I live in the city. The fact is though, you can live in Mt Druitt without being a Druitt... just because you live amonst them doesn't make it compulsory to be one.


I've been using this handle online across a number of Australian websites since about 2000. Most commonly on parenting websites, where I've posted a fair bit about my family which includes a son born in 2005 who was diagnosed as on the Autistic Spectrum in 2009 (current diagnosis is PDD-NOS).

Other sites

Other than here, I am often found at the Autism United community:

Drop by there if you want to chat about the challenges that come with having a family member who is "on the spectrum".
I'm also on bmezine, if there is a badger and blade forum there I'll be joining it. I might even go making one on my own page?




  • Some sort of "real" straight razor
  • Some known real brush
  • Something to actually hold water in while I shave (I'm shaving while standing in a bathtub right now.... :( )