Below is a collection of threads of members reviews of paper they use. Please feel free to add any B&B paper threads you make or find into the list below. Please keep them alphabetical by product name
- Apica Premium C.D. Notebook (Syngent)
- Basildon Bond (Syngent)
- Elco James Prestige (Johant1968)
- Elco James Satine (Syngent)
- Franklin-Christoph Sugar Cane Notebook (Syngent)
- Field Notes Ambition Notebook (Kevan)
- Paper Shootout: (Syngent) Clairfontaine, Rhodia, Vintage unknown, G.Lalo, Basildon Bond, Staples Eco, Midori, Midori MD, Moleskine, Ampad
- Rhodia WebPlanner (Shave_Rat) - Could use pictures for this thread if anyone has a planner and could take some to add to it
- Tomoe River (Syngent)
- The Cheap Paper Challenge (Group thread) - An testing thread to show how various inks work on cheap copy paper