Badger & Blade

  1. ModNotebook
  2. BP Moderator invitation
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No good deed goes unpunished … we’re wondering if you’d like to join us as a Moderator at Badger and Blade. To be honest, we’ve been thoroughly impressed with the work you've done as a Steward, and your good nature and clear grasp of the values of B&B is by now an integral part of the fabric of the site, so we'd consider ourselves quite fortunate to work with you in this more formal capacity.

As is common in the steward's role, you'd be assigned a particular forum to moderate and inspire participation in more actively than in other fora, but with greater scope for helping your brother-mods in “Modding” the site overall. You'd also be privy to information that is wholly unavailable to all but site owners and the moderator team -- information that we would naturally expect that you'd hold in confidence. Most importantly, you'd be joining a fantastic group of men who care a great deal for B&B, and you'd have the power to create ideas and weigh in on decisions that propel the site forward over the coming years."

It ain’t all sweetness and light, though …

Generally speaking, and indicative of a recent clarification to our vision of the moderator's task here, we expect moderators to continue to be active participants on the site, posting often. We also expect you to weigh in regularly on decisions, both positive and negative, made in the moderator forum.

Many members view the Moderators as the "B&B Police Department", but we are, as you are well aware, much more than just a forum with a set of "rules". The truth is that none of us wants to be in that role really, but sometimes it is indeed part of the job. But you try to do the police work and mix it in with whatever fun you can. Throw in a little standing up for the little guy and a bit of helping out a noob and it's all really very rewarding.

The position requires an even greater level of tolerance and forbearance than you can imagine. Every day you will be confronted with an unbelievable level of insensitivity by your fellow members whom you never would have believed could behave in such a fashion. Every day you will be tempted to confront those who would turn B&B into just another Internet Site where flame wars and ungentlemanly behavior is the norm. There have been Moderators past who just had the B&B experience soured for them because of it.

You get that shiny blue “Moderator” badge, which is a blessing and a curse … it’s a well-earned reflection of the dedication and “street cred” you have already earned here, but every post you make you make (in a sense) as a Moderator. Not that every post you make has to be part of your moderating work … far from it; you certainly get to keep participating in all the discussions … but occasionally you have to bite your tongue or avoid “piling on” in a thread where it shouldn’t look like “all the mods are ganging up” on an issue. To use a military/police analogy, you are always “in uniform” even when you are shopping for groceries.

So …

We say this to you, not to discourage you, but rather to encourage you with the idea that we believe you have what it takes to rise above that. Helping to steer the great ship B&B is an honor, and making things work smoothly is very fulfilling.
It's not for everybody, but it certainly can be a great experience if you let it.
One aspect of the B&B Mod experience which can be a surprise to the new team member is the fact that we have no hierarchy on a Mod Team vote. A new member’s vote carries as much weight as the most senior Admin. Another facet which can be interesting for a new Mod is how the work is assigned; outside of being given a forum to be responsible for (a fluid process) the role of the Mod is entirely self directed.

As a new Mod, you can create the role you want to play in the site. You may choose to build content, work on the wiki, develop projects, or just help to create a welcoming environment to the new member. No one is going to be saying – Hey Joe, do this! You get to choose what your role is going to be.

We’ve gone on at some length, because this is an important decision. This isn’t just becoming “like a Steward, only better” … but different. We want to really lay out the pluses and minuses so you can make the right decision. Please consider the offer carefully and respond not only in accordance with your heart, but with your head as well. Ultimately, no matter what you decide, take this invitation as a mark of our appreciation for your efforts here and a compliment to your character.

We look forward to hearing from you.