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Yaqi Floating stainless steel razor

What is the story behind this one? It looks like a nice two-piece DE razor but, there is very little written about it.


Cool and slimy
It's a copy of the Barbasol Floating Head razor, subie shaves made a video about it, but it is a copy of a super rare razor, the only info I could find is that it is kinda aggressive. @uptown posted some impressions of some of the latest Yaqi razors, I also posted a bit about the Slant 37, but there is little more to be found yet, unfortunately.
Mine is on a slow boat from China as I type this!

I take that back, it is still sitting in China waiting for someone to move it somewhere else so it can finally make it to a "boat". 🤬 Looks like a $1 credit for slow delivery is in my future! I got $7 worth of late delivery credits yesterday too! 🤬🤬🤬 The latest update said that was due today but, no such luck though it did clear US Customs!
My Yaqi Floating Stainless Steel Safety Razor finally arrived. It is a work of art and I think it may be my only two-piece razor in my life, though I might have forgotten a Merkur somewhere in my shave history.

With 5 days of whiskers and a brand new Feather DE blade, I used my Aveeno canned shave gel and did my first shave with it earlier today.

It seemed really blade-forward and provided a smooth and efficient shave. With the whisker growth I tackled today, most razors would clog up but, not this one. From the start of a stroke to the end it cut the same, very cleanly. I did get a few weepers, generally really fine, and only noticed a 1/2 hour later.

General thoughts and things I noticed:
This head seemed really light in terms of construction and overall bulk relative to my normal stainless mainstream razors. It shaved pretty "light" in the hand without considering the actual grams it tips the scale at. The razor seemed really balanced and handled much better than some two-piece Merkurs I randomly handled in the past.

My initial thought of how to rate this razor seems to be relative to the Muhle R41 in terms of general feelings and personal experiences. While I love my Muhle R41, I think this razor will replace it in terms of normal shave duty.

Given a little more use of the Feather blade to tone down the initial "hard bite" a bit and more experience with it in my hands, I think any issues of weepers will go away just as they did with Muhle R41 using lesser blades (new Feather convert here, though Nacets and other are still a favorite).
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