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Which one of you stole the bulldog on Ebay from me!

Not me, but you probably should have put a slightly more muscular bid on it as that doesn't seem expensive at all and that set doesn't pop up on ebay every day.
At the price it went for I would say no one stole it from you. I would say you just didn't want it very bad if you quit bidding at that price. I paid almost that much for mine (just the razor) and it was not in that good of shape. I love the Gillette Bulldog. :lol:
Not me, but you probably should have put a slightly more muscular bid on it as that doesn't seem expensive at all and that set doesn't pop up on ebay every day.

Offered a pretty big price to the seller as I knew I wouldn't have internet when the auction was ending but he didn't take it....he should have at that price...dammit!
Well, it's on you. Should have bid that number, you wouldn't have paid any more, and maybe a lot less in the end.
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Probably good you didn't win it. I don't think the 461 set ever came with a bulldog razor. I've looked through the old catalogues and can't find any reference for it, so likely a mismatch. Someone please correct me if they have evidence to the contrary.
Nice razor! Sorry to hear that you didn't win . . . for some of the nicer and rarer ones, the bidding frequently gets too rich for my blood.
Probably good you didn't win it. I don't think the 461 set ever came with a bulldog razor. I've looked through the old catalogues and can't find any reference for it, so likely a mismatch. Someone please correct me if they have evidence to the contrary.

Yeah I think you're right. This looks to be a single ring combination set. Also, my friend scored this set Sunday among others so I told him stop! :lol:
As far as I know, Bulldogs only came in sets like these and in a Military Set. Still, that one went for less than I expected and did look to be in good shape. I would have bid, but...

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