I bagged up the first half of my Last Ever KG Sutliff VaPer 2.0 (and no, I'm not changing the name to reflect the demise of Sutliff).
I will say that I don't envy the Ernie Quintillianis and Jon David Coles of the world. They work hard to blend the amount of tobacco they are producing. Bagging my 5.5 pounds was a drawn out process and I have the other half yet to go. And that is nothing relative to their work. Anyway, the first half yielded 25 mylar pint bags with 3.5 oz per/bag. While a bit of work, it was also fun and satisfying knowing I won't be running out of my everyday VaPer any time soon! Now if I could just get back to smoking! A couple pics so you know its all true.
I will say that I don't envy the Ernie Quintillianis and Jon David Coles of the world. They work hard to blend the amount of tobacco they are producing. Bagging my 5.5 pounds was a drawn out process and I have the other half yet to go. And that is nothing relative to their work. Anyway, the first half yielded 25 mylar pint bags with 3.5 oz per/bag. While a bit of work, it was also fun and satisfying knowing I won't be running out of my everyday VaPer any time soon! Now if I could just get back to smoking! A couple pics so you know its all true.
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