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What Brown leaf 'good stuff' are you waiting on to be delivered?

I bagged up the first half of my Last Ever KG Sutliff VaPer 2.0 (and no, I'm not changing the name to reflect the demise of Sutliff).
I will say that I don't envy the Ernie Quintillianis and Jon David Coles of the world. They work hard to blend the amount of tobacco they are producing. Bagging my 5.5 pounds was a drawn out process and I have the other half yet to go. And that is nothing relative to their work. Anyway, the first half yielded 25 mylar pint bags with 3.5 oz per/bag. While a bit of work, it was also fun and satisfying knowing I won't be running out of my everyday VaPer any time soon! Now if I could just get back to smoking! A couple pics so you know its all true.
20250130_first half in process.jpg

20250130_first half.jpg

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Three vintage pipes from a certain online auction site. A Yello Bole unknown model, an unbranded "apple" pipe, and a leather wrapped Longchamp bent billard. The Yello Bole is probably a lost cause due to a large crack in the bowl, but the other 2 will need minimal work to get them in the rotation Not a bad deal at just over 20.00 for the lot
Just treated myself for IPSD for the first time. Ordered a Savinelli Roma 673KS bent bulldog, and a Rossi Mezzanotte 8101, a short, straight billiard. Both from SP. My tastes tend more toward bent pipes, but I have wanted to expand my arsenal of straight pipes. To that end, I also just ordered two estates from eBay, too. A vintage Frank Medico smooth and carved billiard, as well as a short, thick-walled pot, I guess it is, with a saddle stem (my first). I'm a real sucker for these old pipes.



"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
I really don't need any tobacco (what's that got to do with it?), but FOMO hit me hard re: my two favorite Sutliff blends.

Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: Bob's Chocolate Flake 50g

Item Number: 003-069-0004
(10% Off All Pipe Tobacco...)
Sutliff: Revelation Match

Sutliff: Revelation Match

Options: 16oz Item Number: 005-443-0034
(10% Off All Pipe Tobacco...)
Sutliff: 504C Aromatic English

Sutliff: 504C Aromatic English

Options: 16oz Item Number: 005-443-0082
(10% Off All Pipe Tobacco...)
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I was looking at meerschaum pipes for March just for fun on the evil bidding website. I have a HUGE soft spot for a lattice pipe and got really tired of either seeing a calabash style or seeing a billiard style lattice pipes. I have never seen this shape in a lattice before, most of the time it’s a standard bulldog that’s solid with no design and straight, and it REALLY caught my attention when I saw it immediately. Can’t wait to get this one and be able to use it in the next few weeks for Meerschaum March.


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Did my yearly order from SP the other day. Will be traveling to the US for an Archery thing in Michigan in June so I have it shipped to my brother. It arrived and the wait begins. Ordered:

Triple Play x2
St. Bruno x2
Windjammer x2
3oz LBF
3oz Superior Round Slices
3oz Ennerdale (brother called to ask what God aweful stuff stank so bad)
Threw in some pocket jars as well.

Hurry up June!


Remember to forget me!
Someone mentioned a while ago, that they liked how their bulldog sat. I've never really considered the bulldog with the diamond shanks to be sitters, and so never bought one. I decided to give a couple of cheapies a try, as I reckon that even if they aren't as stable as I like, or if the 45 degree lean gives me the heebie jeebies, three might be enough surplus meat on the underside, for me to abrasively train it to sit.


MSS "Franklin" bent bulldog (store branded, but from the Ben Wade line)


Ben Wade Squat Calabash :001_wub:

I wanted this as soon as I saw it, despite my reservations about it being top heavy. I am reasonable sure I'll need to dig out some 80 grit to flatten off the underside on this one. When a pipe costs less than 100g of baccy, I don't mind making a few tweaks.

As the postman would be bringing these anyway, I figured I'd save him having to make a second trip later... :001_rolle


This bent tomato reminds me a bit of another pipe I have, which simply cannot lie on its side. It automatically rolls to a more-or-less upright position. I am hoping this one will do the same, but again, at the price, I'm not averse to a bit of modification.


Same with this one. It might sit upright as is, or might need "help". For £15 new, I don't mind the gamble.


This Dublin Sitter is a pretty safe bet. It's from the Dr Plumb/Comoy factory, and I already have a very stable "strawberry" from the same family. It's a second, cosmetically, but so are many others I have, and they all smoke great.

All these five were less than forty quid each, and even adding on four cobs, in case I get any visitors at the new place who fancy trying a bowl, all nine still came in comfortably under the price of a pipe from one of the bespoke carvers. I was considering getting myself a "nice" pipe to celebrate getting the new abode, but I still can't bring myself to reach for one of those spendy ones, when I can get a fist full of these for less money.
Did my yearly order from SP the other day. Will be traveling to the US for an Archery thing in Michigan in June so I have it shipped to my brother. It arrived and the wait begins. Ordered:

Triple Play x2
St. Bruno x2
Windjammer x2
3oz LBF
3oz Superior Round Slices
3oz Ennerdale (brother called to ask what God aweful stuff stank so bad)
Threw in some pocket jars as well.

Hurry up June!
Will any/some/all of this be Duty Free for you when you return home?
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