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Vintage Western Butchers Knives


I have been tossing around the idea of a vintage western butcher knife. Primary use is for slicing brisket, chopping pork, splitting chickens for the smoker, deer, elk and all the prep work involved therein. I've been spying Dexter and Old Hickory with the upswept blades and bullnoses on Ebay. Anyone have any guidance on this or preferred brands?

We currently have a set of Henckles that we've had for about 20 years or so. They fit the bill on a majority of kitchen work. But fall short on some the the tasks given above.

Thanks in advance.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I keep an Old Hickory in the kitchen. Out of the box they need a bit of bevel correction, and the handles can be sanded a bit to make them more comfortable. But once you do that they are a workhorse that will last forever.
I inherited my dad's dexter boning, symatiar 14 inches, and 71/2 in. cleaver. may I recommend a good steel will really help keep them sharp,without grinding the knives away.
Yup, old Hickory’s, Dexters and Russell’s take a screaming edge and are great for cutting meet.

For spatchcocking chickens and turkey, I prefer a cleaver, here again old Carbon steel can't be beat for edge and extra weight.

For slicing brisket I like old carbon steel Sabatier slicers, again screaming edge easy to hone.

You can and I have found great old Carbon Steel knives with lots of life at Antique Stores and flea markets for $2-10. All my old Carbon Sabs are from Flea Markets, under $10.

BTW, have been using a couple of Chinese stainless cleavers for chopping veg, love those knives, cant beat the scoop and go, super easy and quick to sharpen, take a beating. Get a plastic edge guard from CNTG to protect the edge.
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