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Timeless Base Plate Decision

Hey all, I'm getting back into wet shaving and my wife wants to buy me a Titanium Timeless razor for our three year anniversary.

I currently have been shaving with a Gillette slim on setting 5 which I believe is about 0.7 or so blade gap. I bumped up to setting 7 with I think is comparable to the 0.95 blade gap of the. This was definitely a closer shave but I only got a couple small nicks from lack of technique.

I tend to shave at night most days for timing.

Anyways I was thinking I should go for the 0.95 gap standard bar but so many people comment on how amazing the open combo variants are especially the 0.68 blade gap. I feel like the 0.95 open combo would be too aggressive.

I figured I would post on here to get some additional feedback and see what your thoughts are.

Thanks all!


Cool and slimy
Well, I would get the .68 OC or the. 95 OC. I would take the more aggressive one, but I am not sure what would be better for you.
I have the .68 and .95 Ti SB plates. I use the .68 if I am shaving daily, and the .95 If I have skipped a day or more. I have a thick beard but fine hairs. The .68 works almost as well every other day, and it’s as smooth a ride as I have ever gotten from the more than 40 or so razors I have tried. Super safe, never a nick of any kind. The .95 has blade feel, a very occasional nick or weeper, but it’s almost as smooth and super safe. It gets to BBS faster. I’d compare the .95 to the Game Changer .84 in terms of blade feel. The Ti Timeless is a fantastic razor.
I at one time wss going to buy a Timeless. Called company, they do answer phone.🥰

Spoke with Matt one of owners. My question was about IF THRY WOULD DO, Or PLAN TO DO?

Crown Handle in Stainless. Matt wss best sorce for my question.👍
If I were in your shoes I think I’d opt for the 68 base plate, it seems like the safer choice. If it’s immediately too mild for your liking you can return swap it out for the 95 at no extra cost within 30 days. If you like the 68 but find yourself craving a bit more efficiency you can always buy just the 95 base plate down the road.
If I were in your shoes I think I’d opt for the 68 base plate, it seems like the safer choice. If it’s immediately too mild for your liking you can return swap it out for the 95 at no extra cost within 30 days. If you like the 68 but find yourself craving a bit more efficiency you can always buy just the 95 base plate down the road.
I think this is the route I'm going to go. If it seems too mild I can return it and if it feels alright I can always add the aggressive base plate later.


Is it swell time?
The standard Slim on 7 is about .86mm blade gap with positive exposure. That’s between the .68 and .95.

I don’t have experience with the .68, but the .95SCL shaves amazingly close and still is very comfortable. To me of course and your mileage may be different.

So if you go .68OC you might land near that 7 setting of the Slim.

Happy anniversary at least! You have a fine lady there!



I shaved a fortune
I have 2 0.68OCs. I played around with different caps and base plates and ended up with a bronze cap and titanium base plate for one of them. The other one has a titanium cap and a stainless steel base plate and is slightly heavier. They are both amazing so I decided to keep both of them.
Can also get a custom base plate. It's a dual comb, perhaps a .68 OC on one side and a .68 SCL on the other. Going to be like having 2 base plates in 1
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that's smart. OC side for the first pass and the scalloped or SB side for subsequent passes. like having an adjustable.
Can also get a custom base plate. It's a dual comb, perhaps a .68 OC on one side and a .68 SCL on the other. Going to be like having 2 base plates in 1


Cool and slimy
Hello @mortician , seems you will get the .68 OC plate. I don't think the extra for a OC/SCL head is worth it, but I absolutely recommend you getting the SCALLOPED cap. It aligns perfectly with the teeth of the OC and it doesn't only look good, IMO it also improves the shave by feeling good and better lather flow.

I hope I am not too late. But then, you might just replace the .68 OC with a scalloped cap .95 OC in the end, and in my book that would be best ending anyways. :)
Hello @mortician , seems you will get the .68 OC plate. I don't think the extra for a OC/SCL head is worth it, but I absolutely recommend you getting the SCALLOPED cap. It aligns perfectly with the teeth of the OC and it doesn't only look good, IMO it also improves the shave by feeling good and better lather flow.

I hope I am not too late. But then, you might just replace the .68 OC with a scalloped cap .95 OC in the end, and in my book that would be best ending anyways. :)
Hey Iridian, you are too late indeed! I've got a .68 with regular cap on the way.

I have a feeling I will likely build/but another razor over time (0.95 with the twist handle) and I'll definitely get my next one with the scalloped cap. If the .68 ends up being too mind maybe I'll opt for the scalloped cap as well if I return it!


Cool and slimy
I have a feeling I will likely build/but another razor over time (0.95 with the twist handle)
I have a quite complete selection of Timeless handles, be aware that some of them are only available in Titanium, like the Spiral and Crown handle. But there is no problem using them with steel heads and vice versa.

The spiral handle is also available in that golden bronze tone for their bronze razors.

I am in Europe and a full timeless razor goes over certain customs caps and then gets extra taxed as luxury item.

So I ended up splitting razors, though shipping and fantasy handling fees also add up unfavorably.

This lead to me having exactly ONE cap for my .95 Scalloped, .95 OC and .5 Slim OC. 😄🙈🤪

I always plan to buy another cap, for now the Slim gets it. It is time of my all time favorites, I use it with the long 100mm Barberpole. I like large handles.

The Ti Crown is the crowning razor handle achievement of this universe. It is a superb handle both visually, regarding grip, balance, everything.

The only Timeless handle I do not recommend is the PINEAPPLE. It is rectangular and has slightly spiky corners. It doesn't look as good as on photos either in practice.

Also be aware that the .5 Slim is not their mildest razor. It has a very aggressive geometry and only the .78 OC bronze is more aggressive, the .95 OC is a kitten compared to it. This head is divisive, I love this head, others... some even dread it and didn't like it at all.

Based on your preferences I think you are somewhere in the .68/.95 OC ballpark.

I hope you ordered a fitting stand. Timeless makes wonderful stands and they are really worth their money. But let's see if you like the razor first, fingers crossed. ✌️
I have a quite complete selection of Timeless handles, be aware that some of them are only available in Titanium, like the Spiral and Crown handle. But there is no problem using them with steel heads and vice versa.

The spiral handle is also available in that golden bronze tone for their bronze razors.

I am in Europe and a full timeless razor goes over certain customs caps and then gets extra taxed as luxury item.

So I ended up splitting razors, though shipping and fantasy handling fees also add up unfavorably.

This lead to me having exactly ONE cap for my .95 Scalloped, .95 OC and .5 Slim OC. 😄🙈🤪

I always plan to buy another cap, for now the Slim gets it. It is time of my all time favorites, I use it with the long 100mm Barberpole. I like large handles.

The Ti Crown is the crowning razor handle achievement of this universe. It is a superb handle both visually, regarding grip, balance, everything.

The only Timeless handle I do not recommend is the PINEAPPLE. It is rectangular and has slightly spiky corners. It doesn't look as good as on photos either in practice.

Also be aware that the .5 Slim is not their mildest razor. It has a very aggressive geometry and only the .78 OC bronze is more aggressive, the .95 OC is a kitten compared to it. This head is divisive, I love this head, others... some even dread it and didn't like it at all.

Based on your preferences I think you are somewhere in the .68/.95 OC ballpark.

I hope you ordered a fitting stand. Timeless makes wonderful stands and they are really worth their money. But let's see if you like the razor first, fingers crossed. ✌️
I figured I would follow up with you today. K had my second shave with it this morning and only had one small weeper. I think this is the smoothest and least aggressive razor I have ever used with the 0.68 OC head. I can see myself getting the 0.95 OC in the full future or maybe even getting a stainless one but man am I impressed! I'm getting extremely good shaved with no irritation or roughness whatsoever. I'll have to pick up a stand next time too. I'm currently using a cheap razor and brush holder combo and it's working fine for now!
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