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WTB Simpson "Made in England - Sterilized" Replacement Sticker

A while back, i acquired a Simpson Duke 3 that was from the "Made in England" period and it did not have a sticker (I knew this before purchasing).

Looking for a replacement sticker, shipped in an envelope to Canada. I believe the brush will perform better with the sticker.

If you have a spare one, please let me know. I just want to add it to the brush for personal use.



Sticker Wanted:


My Brush:


System Generated
Thanks again to @Rudy Vey for sending me the "Made in England' sticker for my England era Duke 3.

I had one shot at it, nailed it on the vertical (confirmed with a loupe) but a bit off on the horizontal centering (see spoiler). With all the Simpson QC lately, I'll chalk it up to variation charm. :wink2:

Super happy to finally have a sicker on this brush. It's going to lather at least 25% better with the sticker than without.


Even the stock brushes are off centered, so actually I did nail it!

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