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Shulton Inc history

While doing some research on Shulton Insignia, a brand of male grooming products that seemed exclusive to Britain as it doesn't seem well known in America etc, as it was was very popular and it came on the scene in 1986 then it suddenly disappeared from the shelves in the 1995 not after take over by Proctor and gamble, as you guys no doubt know they made Old Spice amongst others.

Recently I decided to hunt down every last available bottle, I managed to find quite a few and decided to look into the story behind it, I suppose the reason behind it was I was getting such a strong nostalgia hit that I couldn't ignore.

Quite an interesting story as evidenced by this link ......



More specifically this :001_smile




Then came Proctor and Gamble and they killed the Insignia brand :sad:
I happen to have a lot of Shulton Old Spice bottles. That is not because I deliberately collect them, but because I had purchases and gifts of Old Spice over the years. I have used it only on an intermittent basis, so of all the Old Spice that I have over the course of 40 years, I have maybe put a dent in the supply of one bottle. Whenever I break out one of the Shulton bottles, it still feels and smells fresh and a bit strong. It lasts a long time. Maybe the reason I did not use it continuously is that for the rest of the day, whether you stay in the mood for it or not, you smell like a walking open bottle of Old Spice.
The Old Spice brand had become moribund by the time P&G bought it in 1990. The young people associated it with old men, kind of like the Oldsmobile brand. Still, P&G needed a men's brand in that category, and they did well at renewing and revamping the brand. Back then there were no classic shave forums that revered classic products, so changing the image for a new generation is what worked for the masses.
Thanks for sharing and doing this very interesting research on Old Spice and about Shulton. Coincidence or what? Yesterday I visited my local ethnic shops and I picked up some new old stock Indian Shulton Old Spice. I believe these were from the near last Old Spice batches before P&G Rubicon took over production of Old Spice. I most certainly will enjoy my score and use them sparingly. Thanks again for your effort and for the info.
Good thread :thumbup:

I left school in June 1986 at the tender age of 16, so Brut 33, Imperial Leather Classic, Blue Stratos, Denim Original, Old Spice, Jovan Musk (ok), Pagan Man (slimy) and Insignia were aftershaves/colognes that I grew up using.
Funny thing is I can't remember exactly what Insignia smelled like or if I actually liked it or just used it because I was brainwashed by adverts on TV, but I miss the fact that it's no longer available , so I can't buy it and try it in the interests of nostalgia
Insignia smelled quite citrusy with a slight spicy tone, I tried Eden Classic revived insignia musk, I have to say it fairly similar with a very strong citrus tone.

I have just ordered some Old Spice stuff off eBay, I would be interested in getting a shulton Old Spice for comparison, I must admit as a youngster I associated this with old men, now things have come a full circle, I'm going to try it out and judge for myself.
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