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Proraso revisited (Red). Amazing.

After seeing this thread pop up a few times lately in my Watched list I decided to grab the Vintage tin of red off the shelf that I haven't used in ages. Still not fond of the pre-shave cream, not sure it really helps. Squirted a way too much in the shave scuttle, perfect, lathered it up and got an excellent shave. I don't mind Sandalwood scent, it is pleasant enough but I can't say I would replenish it.
Decided to throw in a tube of the Red with my Shave Nation order tonight. Got a 100 pack of Gillette 7 o’clock Super Platinums (Black) along with a 100 pack of Gillette Platinums
Chiming back in here on this one to update as OP.

I have a nice selection of soaps and creams that I really do like and enjoy. Favourites include a few flavours of Saponificio Varesino, Martin de Candre, Noble Otter, Aqua di Parma, loads of creams from the UK traditional makers and more.

But man, I cannot get away from the fact that Proraso Red gives me as good a shave as any of these, every. single. time. Doesn’t matter what razor I use (always feather blades 3 shaves per blade max). Doesn’t matter what brush I use (pretty sure the brush is the least important component of the hardware anyways). Doesn’t matter whether it’s part of the weekly routine shave (I shave every morning Mon - Fri and have a thick fast growing, heavy stubble) or after a few days off.

This stuff is just as good, for me, as absolutely anything else I have tried, at a fraction of the cost.

Yes I love the various fragrances of the stuff in my top drawer - and fragrance is important to me. And the Proraso Red Sandalwood is quite nice, but ok it’s not as nice as the fragrancues I really like. But based purely on performance I don’t think I can justify spending on anything else.

That said I have about 3 years of gourmet shaving soaps & cream sitting there so this won’t be tested anytime soon :D
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Chiming back in here on this one to update as OP.

I have a nice selection of soaps and creams that I really do like and enjoy. Favourites include a few flavours of Saponificio Varesino, Martin de Candre, Noble Otter, Aqua di Parma, loads of creams from the UK traditional makers and more.

But man, I cannot get away from the fact that Proraso Red gives me as good a shave as any of these, every. single. time. Doesn’t matter what razor I use (always feather blades 3 shaves per blade max). Doesn’t matter what brush I use (pretty sure the brush is the least important component of the hardware anyways). Doesn’t matter whether it’s part of the weekly routine shave (I shave every morning Mon - Fri and have a thick fast growing, heavy stubble) or after a few days off.

This stuff is just as good, for me, as absolutely anything else I have tried, at a fraction of the cost.

Yes I love the various fragrances of the stuff in my top drawer - and fragrance is important to me. And the Proraso Red Sandalwood is quite nice, but ok it’s not as nice as the fragrancues I really like. But based purely on performance I don’t think I can justify spending on anything else.

That said I have about 3 years of gourmet shaving soaps & cream sitting there so this won’t be tested anytime soon :D
Nice. I feel the same way about the two tubes of Proraso Green and Blue I have. They work great and I really don't use much per session. Very economical but good.
Chiming back in here on this one to update as OP.

I have a nice selection of soaps and creams that I really do like and enjoy. Favourites include a few flavours of Saponificio Varesino, Martin de Candre, Noble Otter, Aqua di Parma, loads of creams from the UK traditional makers and more.

But man, I cannot get away from the fact that Proraso Red gives me as good a shave as any of these, every. single. time. Doesn’t matter what razor I use (always feather blades 3 shaves per blade max). Doesn’t matter what brush I use (pretty sure the brush is the least important component of the hardware anyways). Doesn’t matter whether it’s part of the weekly routine shave (I shave every morning Mon - Fri and have a thick fast growing, heavy stubble) or after a few days off.

This stuff is just as good, for me, as absolutely anything else I have tried, at a fraction of the cost.

Yes I love the various fragrances of the stuff in my top drawer - and fragrance is important to me. And the Proraso Red Sandalwood is quite nice, but ok it’s not as nice as the fragrancues I really like. But based purely on performance I don’t think I can justify spending on anything else.

That said I have about 3 years of gourmet shaving soaps & cream sitting there so this won’t be tested anytime soon :D

I had to double check if I wrote this, I have exactly the same soaps and in agrement with the statement.
I do enjoy variety, but performence-wise, proraso gets the job done just as well.

Of all the proraso soaps I think I like the green the most, closely followed by the rest for a shared second place.
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