Antique Hoosier
My wife works for SONY Playstation and all I know is my life just got ________________________________________________________
Haven't decided how to fill in the blank
Haven't decided how to fill in the blank
I'm with you....let's not kill the new posters at first contact please....Just out of curiosity, what was offensive about his post? Isn't he just offering an option on processor power? Did I kiss something?
i think you hit the nail on the head reallyI guess I'm getting old, my ps3 does more than I know it can do and if gaming systems stopped at the ps3, I'd say we hit the finish line. Graphics are stellar, enemies are oftentimes scary intelligent, and I have fun.
Sorry for my bad form of expression. What I wanted to say was: Sony admitted it is not the #1 anymore, they did some corporate changes and are steering in a new direction trying to get back in the game. In an interview after the presentation, an executive from Sony US said that they didn't show the console because there is more features to be unveiled.
My honest opinion is we won't see a breakthrough change at the new consoles release from both companies, maybe they will release a polished and 100% working VirtualReality feature mid-cycle just as the Kinect did.