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Obsession With Longevity

There are too many, "how many shaves did you get with this blade" posts...Some might find longevity an issue while selecting blades, but that's not the main focus...The focus is to find what provides the shave results that YOU are looking for...Longevity, in my opinion, focuses more on what kind of value one is getting ("I bought this car at this price with this interest rates, did I get a better deal than you?")...The DE universe isn't all about value, although blade cost is better than cartridge blades...This is about getting a better shave using a better method that happens to cost less...For me, it's 3 and out...I have experimented with longevity over the years, and have been able to push some blades further than others...However, I never want to put myself in the position where I'm mid-shave and realize that the blade is beginning to fail and I am now faced with two choices; tough it out until the end or change out the blade mid-shave...Over the years, I have used several blades, but have recently narrowed my stock to only four (sometimes five): Gillette Nacet, Gillette Silver Blue, Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless (Russian Greens), and Astra SP (Green)...All of these work well in all of my razors (The Gillette Slim Adjustable is my favorite)...The phantom fifth blade is Feather that I don't stock in bulk, but occasionally pick up a five-pack now and then...With all of them, I know that I can get at least three 2 or 3 pass shaves out of them...Some I could push more, but at such a low cost, there isn't a reason to push any of them...Again, it isn't how many shaves I can get out of a given blade, but rather how good of a shave can I get out of three uses of that blade...On a related issue, there is a post out there asking "what was your last 100-pack purchase"...Refer to the first four of five blades that I have mentioned...Of the four of five blades that I stock in bulk, let me know which of those you also stock in bulk and why (without taking longevity into account)...One other item of interest, there are several posts that state that someone likes blade xyz, but not on the first shave...They say that the second or third shave is better...FOR ME, if a blade doesn't perform to my satisfaction right off of the first shave, and I have to endure a break-in shave to like it, that blade isn't for me.
There are too many, "how many shaves did you get with this blade" posts...Some might find longevity an issue while selecting blades, but that's not the main focus...The focus is to find what provides the shave results that YOU are looking for...Longevity, in my opinion, focuses more on what kind of value one is getting ("I bought this car at this price with this interest rates, did I get a better deal than you?")...The DE universe isn't all about value, although blade cost is better than cartridge blades...This is about getting a better shave using a better method that happens to cost less...For me, it's 3 and out...I have experimented with longevity over the years, and have been able to push some blades further than others...However, I never want to put myself in the position where I'm mid-shave and realize that the blade is beginning to fail and I am now faced with two choices; tough it out until the end or change out the blade mid-shave...Over the years, I have used several blades, but have recently narrowed my stock to only four (sometimes five): Gillette Nacet, Gillette Silver Blue, Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless (Russian Greens), and Astra SP (Green)...All of these work well in all of my razors (The Gillette Slim Adjustable is my favorite)...The phantom fifth blade is Feather that I don't stock in bulk, but occasionally pick up a five-pack now and then...With all of them, I know that I can get at least three 2 or 3 pass shaves out of them...Some I could push more, but at such a low cost, there isn't a reason to push any of them...Again, it isn't how many shaves I can get out of a given blade, but rather how good of a shave can I get out of three uses of that blade...On a related issue, there is a post out there asking "what was your last 100-pack purchase"...Refer to the first four of five blades that I have mentioned...Of the four of five blades that I stock in bulk, let me know which of those you also stock in bulk and why (without taking longevity into account)...One other item of interest, there are several posts that state that someone likes blade xyz, but not on the first shave...They say that the second or third shave is better...FOR ME, if a blade doesn't perform to my satisfaction right off of the first shave, and I have to endure a break-in shave to like it, that blade isn't for me.
I tried and failed trying to use a blade for more than 2 or 3 shaves, they don't get any sharper and I don't notice the smoothness touted by some.

Each to their own
By the time I've paid for all the other components of a good DE shave, I'm not bothered what the blade costs, or how long it lasts.

Using the Game Changer, I can get 7 good shaves out of an Astra SP, so I used to replace my blade every week — a nod to tradition.

The GC 1.05 plate gets 10 comfortable shaves out of it, so (shrug) I go along with this weird behaviour, and I can't complain.


I smell like a Christmas pudding
I suggest that those using blades for huge numbers of shaves are doing so simply for the challenge and interest of achieving blade longevity. It is nothing whatsoever to do with value, cost, or money saving - they may use a 10 cent blade for an entire year in a $500 razor. Conversely, those who change blades after one or two shaves since 'blades are so inexpensive', and they 'care nothing about the cost', and 'life is too short' etc. are often the same people who perform extensive cost per shave per blade calculations. They may have Excel spreadsheets containing data recorded over years which they then use to demonstrate how little they care about blade price 🤣


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
It takes all kinds to make a world - thank heaven. How dull it would be if we were all exactly the same.

Finding out how many shaves you can get from a blade is a fine game. It's not for me, but that's neither here nor there. Anything that brings you some joy, some interest, is an excellent way to spend a little of your day.

Virtually all of my PolSilver SI blades are as good on the 4th day as the third day, so 3 and out doesn't work for me, but it's good for you. Some shavers do 1 and out, so there's that.

Some people like to see how cheaply they can get a great shave (and my wife would give them a standing ovation), I won't even try a soap that's under $10 so that's not my group.

I believe it comes down to what gets the job done in the most satisfying way for each shaver, be that with the 22nd shave with a $5 razor or one and done with a $500 razor. While I agree that if you would all just let me run the world everything would be a lot better, it doesn't seem like it's going to happen anytime soon - so do what brings you a little joy, and find some shared happiness when others find their joy. A fair number of people (many are in cars) drive me a little crazy, but that's not a good way to spend my day.
...The DE universe isn't all about value...For me ...FOR ME...for me...
Certainly not all about value but, the rest of us pay attention to value. For us anyway.

There are too many, "how many shaves did you get with this blade" posts...
It seems that, once again, we overdid it. What can I say? This is a hobbyist forum after all. If it bothers you how many times we post about the same thing over and over and over again, try to ignore the excess. Better yet, see if you can get a gag order so we can only post a few times about a subject. And you decide how many times we can post here. Would that work for you?
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Peace and love :biggrin:

hippie GIF
I guess I figure I paid for the blade, so if I can enjoy as many shaves with it as I can, why not?

Lately I've been wondering what it would be like to have thick old-style blades again, to fit in a safety razor *and* be sharpenable. I suppose there might be a concern about change in width and exposure, although Tatara has that problem solved now.

Guys, my way is the best way. First, rarely or never use the same razor two shaves in a row. And the next razor you use probably still has the blade in it from the last time you used it.

But when was the last time you used that? There's no way of knowing or even remembering if that shave was satisfying. It's all lost in a blur of mint juleps served to me by a suspiciously young and all female household staff at my rubber plantation in the Phillipines.

It's like trying to remember which white 3 piece suit I wore yesterday.

So, different razor, time for a new blade. Because why take the chance?
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Im just having fun trying to see if I can get six shaves out of a blade. If i Can thats great. If i cant its not that bad. I just hope the blades that do fine for 6 shaves are the more expensive ones and the ones that only shave for 3 shaves are the cheaper ones. I dont care if they go beyond 6 shaves. Or if they go beyond 3. 3-6 is a good number of shaves for a few cents per blade. I am interested in testing durability somewhat but one and done is okay too. I just think getting more shaves out of a blade is a good idea since you never know which blade will be out of production next. Things change.
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Guys, my way is the best way. First, rarely or never use the same razor two shaves in a row. And the next razor you use probably still has the blade in it from the last time you used it.

But when was the last time you used that? There's no way of knowing or even remembering if that shave was satisfying. It's all lost in a blur of mint juleps served to me by a suspiciously young and all female household staff at my rubber plantation in the Phillipines.

It's like trying to remember which white 3 piece suit I wore yesterday.

So, different razor, time for a new blade. Because why take the chance?
Yeah if I change the razor I always change the blade. But if its the same razor and blade used consecutively I dont mind using it more than once.
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