There are too many, "how many shaves did you get with this blade" posts...Some might find longevity an issue while selecting blades, but that's not the main focus...The focus is to find what provides the shave results that YOU are looking for...Longevity, in my opinion, focuses more on what kind of value one is getting ("I bought this car at this price with this interest rates, did I get a better deal than you?")...The DE universe isn't all about value, although blade cost is better than cartridge blades...This is about getting a better shave using a better method that happens to cost less...For me, it's 3 and out...I have experimented with longevity over the years, and have been able to push some blades further than others...However, I never want to put myself in the position where I'm mid-shave and realize that the blade is beginning to fail and I am now faced with two choices; tough it out until the end or change out the blade mid-shave...Over the years, I have used several blades, but have recently narrowed my stock to only four (sometimes five): Gillette Nacet, Gillette Silver Blue, Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless (Russian Greens), and Astra SP (Green)...All of these work well in all of my razors (The Gillette Slim Adjustable is my favorite)...The phantom fifth blade is Feather that I don't stock in bulk, but occasionally pick up a five-pack now and then...With all of them, I know that I can get at least three 2 or 3 pass shaves out of them...Some I could push more, but at such a low cost, there isn't a reason to push any of them...Again, it isn't how many shaves I can get out of a given blade, but rather how good of a shave can I get out of three uses of that blade...On a related issue, there is a post out there asking "what was your last 100-pack purchase"...Refer to the first four of five blades that I have mentioned...Of the four of five blades that I stock in bulk, let me know which of those you also stock in bulk and why (without taking longevity into account)...One other item of interest, there are several posts that state that someone likes blade xyz, but not on the first shave...They say that the second or third shave is better...FOR ME, if a blade doesn't perform to my satisfaction right off of the first shave, and I have to endure a break-in shave to like it, that blade isn't for me.