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New Razor for b-day present. help w/ blade gap

Ok I am on the hunt for a Razorock Lupo as my hopefully new go to razor. My birthday is in 10 days. Having recently tried the Game Changer .84p I find it not as aggressive as I want. I am looking at the Razorock Lupo in .95 SB or 1.27 SB. Just looking for feedback on a Lupo only please.

So the .95 or the 1.27 SB? is there a HUGE difference? also have the HD handle so lookin at their bulldog or super knurl or..., so some suggestions/opinions/experiences would be great. I prefer a heavy handle and 80-85mm handle but they only offer these in 90mm, so it will do.

If one pops up on the B/S/T i'll scoop it up but before I was looking for one, there was one for sale everyday, now that I am, they've all dried up.
GC 1.05 SB, or one of the OC plates? You could just add options to the razor you have, if you like its other features.
Bill, I shave everyday, maybe a few times a year skip for some reason out of my control, but never have more than a 5 o'clock shadow. I like the looks of the SB and have 2 aggressive Ikon heads that are OC, so i'm thinking SB but your knowledge is much greater then mine. I would love to here your thoughts, but at the moment it would probably be the .95 - 1.27 SB. Sounds like i'm leaning to the 1.27 SB

on that chart, it looks like i would look for the GC 1.05, not sure what the jaws was, saw it was cheaper on their site than other bases. doesn't even list the 1.27 SB Lupo it must be too new.


Collecting wife bonus parts
I find the Lupo 95 more aggressive and efficient than the GC 1.05. It also has more blade feel.


Ditto, ditto
Bill, I shave everyday, maybe a few times a year skip for some reason out of my control, but never have more than a 5 o'clock shadow. I like the looks of the SB and have 2 aggressive Ikon heads that are OC, so i'm thinking SB but your knowledge is much greater then mine. I would love to here your thoughts, but at the moment it would probably be the .95 - 1.27 SB. Sounds like i'm leaning to the 1.27 SB

on that chart, it looks like i would look for the GC 1.05, not sure what the jaws was, saw it was cheaper on their site than other bases. doesn't even list the 1.27 SB Lupo it must be too new.

I started my wet shaving journey with the Game Changer 84. It was too hot for me, so I went to the 68. It was a it too mld, so, I sold it and moved on. I never tried the 76; it came out after I sold the GC set.

The Jaws is an open comb with a wider tooth spacing. It looks like a monster.

My suggestion was based solely on the fact that you already have the GC. I never used a Lupo, so, I can't comment on them.

I prefer razors on the lower-middle level of the efficiency scale, so, I can't offer a lot of advice. Another beautiful razor that was too hot for me was the Muhle Rocca. Truly beautiful razor, that one. Its a hollow handle with a CNC machined head, thus head-heavy, which a lot of gentlemen on here like.

Good luck!
are the bases something that usually gets put up for sale around here on B/S/T? I would rather try some used bases and save cash then order new and might dislike it and turn around and sell it.

Too bad there isn't some kind of a pass-around or something that say Razorock sponsored on here, like have a credit card on file (in case someone decides to keep it) and a sign up to pass the different heads around or maybe they make more money just hoping people buy just to try?


Collecting wife bonus parts
are the bases something that usually gets put up for sale around here on B/S/T? I would rather try some used bases and save cash then order new and might dislike it and turn around and sell it.

Too bad there isn't some kind of a pass-around or something that say Razorock sponsored on here, like have a credit card on file (in case someone decides to keep it) and a sign up to pass the different heads around or maybe they make more money just hoping people buy just to try?
I’ve seen RR base plates up for trade for other gaps. That’s more common than outright selling a plate.


I shaved a fortune
I'll add a fly to the ointment.. How about a RR SuperSlant L3++OC? That would be too much for me, but I sure love the L2++OC razor head...... @Old Hippie is one of the resident slant guys... That's what he uses and he likes/needs the more efficient razors.
I'll add a fly to the ointment.. How about a RR SuperSlant L3++OC? That would be too much for me, but I sure love the L2++OC razor head...... @Old Hippie is one of the resident slant guys... That's what he uses and he likes/needs the more efficient razors.
Well was in love with slants but because of some of my stubborn neckline under chin area, sometimes I have to touch up several spots to get a BBS zero stubble shave, the slants were just butchering me redoing those areas. So i've laid off the slants for a while until i can improve my technique a little more than I have.
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Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
I'll add a fly to the ointment.. How about a RR SuperSlant L3++OC? That would be too much for me, but I sure love the L2++OC razor head...... @Old Hippie is one of the resident slant guys... That's what he uses and he likes/needs the more efficient razors.

Lately I've been doing "doubles" with some kind of shavette or hair shaper plus the Superslant L3++OC to clean up the edges and get the patches that my still-somewhat-shaky ATG skills with naked edges leave behind.

I think it's taken me about seven years to find the setups that work best for me. Feels a little strange not to be setting aside a chunk of money every month or so to buy the Next Great Thing(tm)! That said it frees up some funds for the occasional new jaw harp. :)

WRT the Superslant -- and, frankly, other razors that can be easily changed by changing baseplates -- that's a great system. It's not "adjustable" which in my lexicon means I can change the gap by turning a knob, not by disassembling the razor. I've taken mine traveling, and the one change I make is to take out the Level 3 plate and put in a Level 2. Either the L2++OC or the L3SB will give me a good shave in less than ideal conditions when I'd rather be out doing something than sitting inside shaving.

Good luck on the search!

Well my sister ordered me the Razorock Lupo 1.27 SB w/ barber pole handle. This will be my first actual "New" razor i've ever owned.
I own the 0.95 OC and 1.27 SB. 1.27 is noticeably more aggressive. I also own the 0.84 GC OC and think it's too mild. You'll be happy you went with the 1.27. It's got the added aggression you're looking for. 0.95 OC is very comfortable and more efficient than the GC but not substantially more like the 1.27. The 1.27 is still tameable and it's my preferred Lupo as someone who enjoys some extra bite.
are the bases something that usually gets put up for sale around here on B/S/T? I would rather try some used bases and save cash then order new and might dislike it and turn around and sell it.

Too bad there isn't some kind of a pass-around or something that say Razorock sponsored on here, like have a credit card on file (in case someone decides to keep it) and a sign up to pass the different heads around or maybe they make more money just hoping people buy just to try?
There are so many buyers for Razorock you can always find someone to trade with. I traded my 0.72 for the 1.27.
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