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New member w/ GEM OCMM

Pretty sure I'm not unique, but here is my oddessy, and looking for reassurance (maybe a hug?)

Currently using my wife's great grandfathers GEM OCMM, and have enjoyed the journey until lately, more on that shortly.

Started using the razor about a year ago, purchased a Van Der Hagen beginner set (Boar's brush, soap and mug) and figured out how to make some lather. Two pucks later was moderately pleased with my lather and shave overall, not BBS but reasonably pleased. Used some CVS blades, not tremendously happy, but they worked, seemed to have some quality issues as not as comfortable from blade to blade, found some GEM blades at a local grocery store and was much happier.

Was then lured by the siren song of Williams shave soap ($1.50 a puck? heaven as I'm cheap), and became less pleased, as I can make a nice lather with it - don't care for the smell, feels kind of like I'm using lye soap, but it doesn't bother my face - likely go back to Van Der Hagen - it's available and inexpensive.

In the mean time - ran out of the GEM blades - and the store had something called Techniq blades. Horrible, just horrible. Can't get any better shave with them right out of the blade bank than with a GEM blade after a week or 2.
So I've ordered some GEM PTFE blades from Connaught on the 15th of January which have yet to arrive.

The Van Der Hagen brush continued to shed, maybe got a month since last January without losing a bristle. So got a gift certificate from my son to the Art of Shaving for Christmas. Bought a best badger brush - like it very much, and bought their product - shave cream, pre-shave oil, and after shave balm. Almost threw up when the total showed up - but decided to try it. Needless to say - the gift certificate from the son came up WAYYYY short. Am waiting to use the product until I get decent blades.

Now for the reassurance. Connaught said they shipped the 15th, we are now the 1st of Feb, not 20 some days yet, but will customs and the USPS total screw me over?
And - will I really like the GEM PTFE blades?
And for the money - will the Art of Shaving product cause me to have a tingling in my nether regions as the salesman let me believe? :w00t: Ok, he didn;t - and I know it won't - but will it be as nice as it seemed in the store and I won't totally regret slipping up and succumbing to impulse?

Thanks for reading and I do enjoy the forums and information available.
1-I wouldn't worry about Connaught order, might be a bit late but you'll get it any day now (i did order many times from them, never had a problem - as a matter of fact i ordered some toothpaste 5 min. ago and a soap yesterday)
2-Yes, you'll like PTFE, seems to be the best - not that you have many choices though :)
3-Art of shaving, pricewise: S.U.C.K.S - stay away, they might have some nice products but waaay overpriced.
Welcome to B&B, Sounds like things are about to go your way. I hope you enjoy your new purchases.

Not many start with an MMOC, its all downhill from here my friend!
Nice !! Let us know how you like the blades and AOS. Their creams are top notch and probably the most reasonably priced product. At $30 a tub that's pretty close to DR Harris. I'm not saying its cheap, but you are close to getting what you pay for. Thier soaps and hardware I believe are way overpriced.
Used the new blade today - went ahead used the williams soap again for fair comparison to the techniq blade.
Big mistake. After being used to having to apply pressure to get any kind of shave - the morning wasn't pretty.
Maybe I should be concerned today as I gave blood to the red cross last night, and may have shed another pint this morning HA>
No comparison in blades - very much sharper and can tell it will be great with a light touch.
I have tried the AOS cream and preshave oil. It's ok I guess. I have had MUCH better luck with Stirling soaps, Soap commander of WSP soaps at much cheaper prices. Absolutely love the GEM Ptfe blades. Good luck with the shaves!
Hello and welcome. Great to have you here. That is cool that you are using such an heirloom razor.
Not bleeding right now - the blade calmed down after a couple of days.
Still using the same blade 29 days later - very pleased. Get a weeper now than but no need to use the alum - cold water takes care of it.
The shave this morning was a little iffy - but I'd say SAS. May change the blade tomorrow and see how it goes - just have to remember a much lighter touch.

thanks for asking
Not bleeding right now - the blade calmed down after a couple of days.
Still using the same blade 29 days later - very pleased. Get a weeper now than but no need to use the alum - cold water takes care of it.
The shave this morning was a little iffy - but I'd say SAS. May change the blade tomorrow and see how it goes - just have to remember a much lighter touch.

thanks for asking
Six posts and 29 days on a blade, you are a superstar.
that was the first razor I purchased after I got fed up with buying cartridges from local stores before the Internet.
i also purchased an injector and a fatboy a couple of days later.
i would never give away this razor. I have three and and will pick up everyone I can find.
29 days on a blade is amazing even for this forum.
if you ever fall in love with lather catchers you will set records!
I'm also pretty new to single edge razors...but I do now have a nice line up of SE's and injectors....the injectors were easy to use right out of the gates and give me super shaves.

My Ever Ready and Gem single edge razors have had a steeper learning curve...especially my silver MMOC...it can be a beast....I can tell you that I've learned that for a comfortable shave I have to go SUPER light on the touch and put that razor cap almost flat against my face...a very shallow angle...I tore myself up a couple of times before I got it down...but I now have a Gem clog pruf and a bullseye that really are a couple of my favorites....I got a gold tone MMOC that is even giving me nice shaves....just took awhile.

Good luck!!!
Used a new blade today - first one since Feb 2 - so skipped shaving 2 days so probably 30 shave with one blade - appeals to my sense of cheapness.
Did a 3 pass shave - WTG, then ATG then XTG, didn't go so well ATG, should have done it last, above the lip was a little raw but alum took care of it, oh well - just need to go extra shallow on the angle and maybe do ATG last with a new blade. But still - DFS.
Learning curve goes on.
Let us know how many days it takes for the blade to calm down.
i started with soap I was unhappy with but I used a candle on the flat spot and it stopped the razor from tipping and digging in.
grear razor.
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