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Lifespan of an Alum Block?

I am curious if an Alum Block has a lifespan? Or as long as you've got a piece of stone to hold onto, will it still work?

I have an "Art of Shaving" Alum Block that I bought a few a ago... I used it for a while, put it away and recently brought it out again. It doesn't seem to be changing in size or texture at all as much as I use it... Do they last forever? Or is there just a small amount at a time that gets dissolved off of it?

Alum blocks don't go bad or spoil. So, as long as you've got some to use, you're good to go. They do sometimes, get rough or a piece will chip off, but they're easy to smooth out again with some water and a nail file or something similar. Just let them air dry well between uses & don't let them sit in water, and they'll last a very long time.
They're all the same, imo, no reason to spend twenty or thirty dollars on a AOS or GFT block when you can get the same thing in 'generic' form off of Amazon for a few bucks.
razo rock a nice one its like a deodorant stick in its screw on cap italian barber's product but sold by many 6.00ish
i wish someone local had one

i hate paying $5 shipping on $3 items, and i dont wanna put a big order together

You can sometimes find them in local ethnic shops, particularly Indian places. But short of that your best bet is just to buy one of those ali bryikli ones off of Amazon.
Don't they have alum blocks in deodorant stick format? Crystal Stick Deodorant or something like that? (The name escapes me at the moment)
Make sure you dry it out thoroughly after using it and it will last forever. I bought one made by Bloc Osma and use it after every shave and I fully expect it to last for at least another 4 or 5 months (at very, very least.. it could be much longer). It will probably have cost me far less than £1 a month for its use by the time it finally expires. Well worth every penny :001_smile
i wish someone local had one

i hate paying $5 shipping on $3 items, and i dont wanna put a big order together
Next time you're at the grocery store, look in the spice isle for Powdered Alum. It works even better than the block for nicks or weepers. If you have a bleeder, you can make a paste from it. Just put it on with a wet finger. If you want it all over your face, dump some in your damp hand and rub it on. If the jar just says Alum (McCormick brand) it's probably crystals. It'll still work, just a bit rougher on the skin and harder to make a paste.
i wish someone local had one

i hate paying $5 shipping on $3 items, and i dont wanna put a big order together

If you're still looking for one locally, I found one in the deodorant aisle at Walgreens. It's Crystal deodorant in a purple container. It looks like girls' deodorant, but it says (of course) guys or girls and it's around 6 bucks if you can't catch it on sale.
I've had mine ~5 months, 70gram block, and use it daily after shaving and as a Deodorant, i NEVER dry it after use, it's weighing in at slightly over 25 grams
I use Lafe's. I use it daily on my face.

I bought it at a local Whole Foods store about a year ago.

It was originally about three inches tall and now it's about two inches tall.

So it should last about three years.
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