Les Latneuses rectangle in the 175 x 40 class (actual dimensions vary slightly). Acquired it as a vintage stone, and has a faded Made in Belgium stamp on the side.
Yellow side: Typical coffee with cream color, fast. The lines on the surface do not affect the edge, though from what I remember they can be felt as an inconsistency ever so slightly. It's probably some hybrid poking its way through. Excellent engaging edges. The dimensions are more precisely 177 x just over 40 mm.
Hybrid side: Hard, fast with DMT slurry, slow on water. It eventually gets that magnet effect on water only, and after figuring it out I've gotten excellent sharp yet mellow edges on this side. There is a divot on one side that is around 10mm max wide and about 18mm long, tapering in width to just a few mm. Since it is a divot, I haven't found it to affect my honing stroke. It's easy enough to avoid as well. There is also a redder area next to that divot which I avoid, small and right at the end of the hone. *See pics*
Thickness is 9-10mm, which from my experience is usable in hand, but I'm also including a quite usable and attractive piece of maroon colored Lorraine/Rouge du Salm to glue up whichever side you choose. Very small chip on one corner, and what feels like a 1/10mm shallow area that would be on the glued side anyways. *See pics* This backing is 173 x 40, has gorgeous white lines, and cuts faster than my BBW but slower than my coticules.
$165 shipped CONUS, international folks we can talk
Some straight razors I either don't use, or meant to restore but couldn't find the time. Message me for individual photographs. Priced individually, or take the lot for $170 shipped CONUS.
- Frederick Reynolds wedge, just under 7/8. Basic restoration, sanded to 2000 or 2500, made some horn scales with faux bone wedge. It looks like it has a wide bevel on it, but what actually sits on the stones is the outer part of that. Basically needs a new bevel. $70 shipped CONUS.
- Ambossmann "Tuesday" razor from a 7 day set, 11/16. Scales are creamier in color than in the photo, and have a swirly pattern. Small cracks on other side of scales but they still hold the blade tight enough that it's not loosely swinging. Very nice Solingen razor that takes an incredible edge, but I don't use it enough anymore. $35 shipped CONUS.
- Chatillon XXTRA, almost 11/16. Bone scales. Bought it to restore because it has a really cool shape, but haven't found the time to do so. Looks like it's hardly ever been honed. $20 shipped CONUS.
- Keen Kutter K10 from Simmons Hardware Co, just over 5/8. This was my go-to razor for a while. Minimal hone wear and a nice looking razor. $25 shipped CONUS.
- T. Hessenbruch Perfection Warranted, 11/16. Cool bear logo, this razor might need a little more than a polish to make it look great. Spine wear is what it is, but looks to sit quite flat on the stones. $20 shipped CONUS.
- Unknown wedge, just over 5/8. Very old razor with horn scales. The maker's logo is not visible, but it does say "warranted". I believe someone wrote "Shilling" on the scales with maybe a "1-75" under that, it's hard to make out. $20 shipped CONUS.

Yellow side: Typical coffee with cream color, fast. The lines on the surface do not affect the edge, though from what I remember they can be felt as an inconsistency ever so slightly. It's probably some hybrid poking its way through. Excellent engaging edges. The dimensions are more precisely 177 x just over 40 mm.
Hybrid side: Hard, fast with DMT slurry, slow on water. It eventually gets that magnet effect on water only, and after figuring it out I've gotten excellent sharp yet mellow edges on this side. There is a divot on one side that is around 10mm max wide and about 18mm long, tapering in width to just a few mm. Since it is a divot, I haven't found it to affect my honing stroke. It's easy enough to avoid as well. There is also a redder area next to that divot which I avoid, small and right at the end of the hone. *See pics*
Thickness is 9-10mm, which from my experience is usable in hand, but I'm also including a quite usable and attractive piece of maroon colored Lorraine/Rouge du Salm to glue up whichever side you choose. Very small chip on one corner, and what feels like a 1/10mm shallow area that would be on the glued side anyways. *See pics* This backing is 173 x 40, has gorgeous white lines, and cuts faster than my BBW but slower than my coticules.
$165 shipped CONUS, international folks we can talk

Some straight razors I either don't use, or meant to restore but couldn't find the time. Message me for individual photographs. Priced individually, or take the lot for $170 shipped CONUS.
- Frederick Reynolds wedge, just under 7/8. Basic restoration, sanded to 2000 or 2500, made some horn scales with faux bone wedge. It looks like it has a wide bevel on it, but what actually sits on the stones is the outer part of that. Basically needs a new bevel. $70 shipped CONUS.
- Ambossmann "Tuesday" razor from a 7 day set, 11/16. Scales are creamier in color than in the photo, and have a swirly pattern. Small cracks on other side of scales but they still hold the blade tight enough that it's not loosely swinging. Very nice Solingen razor that takes an incredible edge, but I don't use it enough anymore. $35 shipped CONUS.
- Chatillon XXTRA, almost 11/16. Bone scales. Bought it to restore because it has a really cool shape, but haven't found the time to do so. Looks like it's hardly ever been honed. $20 shipped CONUS.
- Keen Kutter K10 from Simmons Hardware Co, just over 5/8. This was my go-to razor for a while. Minimal hone wear and a nice looking razor. $25 shipped CONUS.
- T. Hessenbruch Perfection Warranted, 11/16. Cool bear logo, this razor might need a little more than a polish to make it look great. Spine wear is what it is, but looks to sit quite flat on the stones. $20 shipped CONUS.
- Unknown wedge, just over 5/8. Very old razor with horn scales. The maker's logo is not visible, but it does say "warranted". I believe someone wrote "Shilling" on the scales with maybe a "1-75" under that, it's hard to make out. $20 shipped CONUS.