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Left my beloved Aristocrat in a hotel.... what has changed in 10 years?

I have shaved with that razor 95% of the time for over 10 years, save when it's straight razor time.

Other than the loss of an old friend, I didn't think it would be that different shaving when I busted out an old DE and popped in a new blade.

Boy was I wrong!

The generic DE was horrible. No way can I continue with that piece of garbage.

The Aristocrat was great. Minimal maintenance. Classy look. Balance. Worked with every blade.

What's along the same vein, but better - if anything.


I smell like a Christmas pudding
I have a couple of Aristocrats as well as other vintage Gillette two and three piece razors. They all require minimal maintenance, look classy, are balanced and work with every blade, at least for me. If you like a TTO then I recommend an English one.
I have shaved with that razor 95% of the time for over 10 years, save when it's straight razor time.

Other than the loss of an old friend, I didn't think it would be that different shaving when I busted out an old DE and popped in a new blade.

Boy was I wrong!

The generic DE was horrible. No way can I continue with that piece of garbage.

The Aristocrat was great. Minimal maintenance. Classy look. Balance. Worked with every blade.

What's along the same vein, but better - if anything.
Sorry to hear the news.

As noted by @EclipseRedRing you may want to provide details on what style Aristocrat you had as this name covered premium version of everything from three piece razors, heavier weight gold plated Super Speed like TTOs (notched center bar) to a gold plated version of a Slim adjustable TTO issued in 1961.

If what you had was the notched center bar TTO version then a vintage Super Speed could be a possible replacement with similar convenience or you can consider a Weishi 9306 that is well made Super Speed clone for under $15.
Sorry you lost your razor. I’m always paranoid when traveling that I’ll accidentally do the same thing. You can probably get an Aristocrat on eBay fairly easily. They are great razors. I don’t know of any modern TTO that would even be close. Lots of modern 3 piece razors that work great. You will just need to figure out what you’re after.
My favorite Aristocrat is a British first gen OC No 15. I would never use that to travel with for similar worries. I also like 40's style Super Speeds. Not as nice but affordable and provide a good shave.
One of my favorites might be a good choice.
I have shaved with that razor 95% of the time for over 10 years, save when it's straight razor time.

Other than the loss of an old friend, I didn't think it would be that different shaving when I busted out an old DE and popped in a new blade.

Boy was I wrong!

The generic DE was horrible. No way can I continue with that piece of garbage.

The Aristocrat was great. Minimal maintenance. Classy look. Balance. Worked with every blade.

What's along the same vein, but better - if anything.
Which aristocrat was it?
I'm sorry for your loss! I would recommend the Merkur 34C, except that has changed significantly from the model I have and I can't comment on the current model. I travel with a Gillette Slim, a fine, ultra-mild razor that cost me 20 bucks at an antique shop. One caveat is you need to get one in good condition or pay to have it refurbished. I wouldn't take anything fancier with me, as I have a permanent case of the dropsies, the losies, and the forgetsies and leavsies in the hotelsies, if those technical medical terms aren't too complex for you.
Hello, I am the new B&B AI*. Please follow these steps to solve your problem:

1. Identify the specific Aristocrat razor you owned; I have no doubt that B&B members can identify your razor even if you can only describe its characteristics in a rudimentary nature.

2. Purchase another one of those razors on eBay or the like.

3. Purchase a backup copy in the event that you lose the replacement.

* There is no B&B AI that I’m aware of and I’m certainly not it. I’m also terribly sorry to hear about the loss of a valued razor ☹️

My legitimate recommendation is to purchase another razor just like the one you had. No need to go searching for a modern razor currently in production that probably won’t even shave the same way as your vintage razor. Good luck in your search.
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I have a 1946 aristocrat which is based on the Regent Tech of that year.
I have a 1947 aristocrat which is based on the Super Speed of that year.

And also I have one based on 1948 style Super Speed.

They're all gold plated or gold washed,
but I just really like nickel plated brass and I prefer the thinner handles on the non aristocrats.
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