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Starting up with straight razors again. Had a decent working group of razors about 5 years ago. Back when SRP was humming good. Kind of a ghost town now (surprised). Got rid of half my stones, strops and all razors in an auction. It looked like cancer had me, causing me to unload a lot of stuff I didn't want to burden my wife with disposing. Well, cancer was beat. So now I'm picking blades off ebay and added some stones. First couple shaves were shaky but now up to doing better. I really think I'm better at honing now than before. Maybe stepping back for a while is good.
Anyway, I wanted to read some chatter on honing and guys shaving adventures. Thanks.
Starting up with straight razors again. Had a decent working group of razors about 5 years ago. Back when SRP was humming good. Kind of a ghost town now (surprised). Got rid of half my stones, strops and all razors in an auction. It looked like cancer had me, causing me to unload a lot of stuff I didn't want to burden my wife with disposing. Well, cancer was beat. So now I'm picking blades off ebay and added some stones. First couple shaves were shaky but now up to doing better. I really think I'm better at honing now than before. Maybe stepping back for a while is good.
Anyway, I wanted to read some chatter on honing and guys shaving adventures. Thanks.
Congratulations on your improved health.

Buona salute
Starting up with straight razors again. Had a decent working group of razors about 5 years ago. Back when SRP was humming good. Kind of a ghost town now (surprised). Got rid of half my stones, strops and all razors in an auction. It looked like cancer had me, causing me to unload a lot of stuff I didn't want to burden my wife with disposing. Well, cancer was beat. So now I'm picking blades off ebay and added some stones. First couple shaves were shaky but now up to doing better. I really think I'm better at honing now than before. Maybe stepping back for a while is good.
Anyway, I wanted to read some chatter on honing and guys shaving adventures. Thanks.
Welcome. This place has only gotten better over the years. A heartfelt congratulations on having beat cancer. That's great news. Welcome again. You're going to like it here.
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