I've just been given these straights by my stepmums stepdad, apparently my dad mentioned I was interested in old razors and he said I could have these. Rather nice of the guy considering I've never met or spoke to him ever before lol
Apparently one of these was issued to him during "the war" but I have no idea which (my dad brought them round and I don't think he paid much attention when he was told about them)
Has "The Mois" on the tang, haven't been able to find info on this one.
Has "71 4/8 Halma" on the tang, haven't found much on this either.
"The Fisher" Now I've read a little on these guys but more info is welcome.
Now these are far from perfect. The Fisher razor has a fair amount of rust under the scales, so much it's stopping the razor from opening any more than is in the pic. The Mois has a pretty lose blade (is there a way to tighten the pin?) and the Halma has obviously had one of the pins "Fixed" in the past.
Now I'm basically wondering if anybody can maybe give me some more information on these razors aswell as what they'd recommend I should do to restore them.
I've cleaned up a couple of old razors before but not taken the step to taking them apart etc so decided why not try with these.
I know a place near me to find the brass rods I'd need to replace the pins but haven't been able to find any brass microwashers, I'll try to reuse the ones on the razors but could do with some just incase.
I've used Autosol to clean up blades in the past but never tried to sand away any heavy pitting, so any advice would be nice there too. I also have no idea what the scales on the Mois razor are made from, so don't wanna try cleaning these up before I know what they are.
I'm not too worried if anybody thinks they couldn't be restored to shaving use, I wouldn't mind ofcourse but I'd just be glad to get them back into a nice condition.
Many thanks
Apparently one of these was issued to him during "the war" but I have no idea which (my dad brought them round and I don't think he paid much attention when he was told about them)
Has "The Mois" on the tang, haven't been able to find info on this one.

Has "71 4/8 Halma" on the tang, haven't found much on this either.

"The Fisher" Now I've read a little on these guys but more info is welcome.

Now these are far from perfect. The Fisher razor has a fair amount of rust under the scales, so much it's stopping the razor from opening any more than is in the pic. The Mois has a pretty lose blade (is there a way to tighten the pin?) and the Halma has obviously had one of the pins "Fixed" in the past.
Now I'm basically wondering if anybody can maybe give me some more information on these razors aswell as what they'd recommend I should do to restore them.
I've cleaned up a couple of old razors before but not taken the step to taking them apart etc so decided why not try with these.
I know a place near me to find the brass rods I'd need to replace the pins but haven't been able to find any brass microwashers, I'll try to reuse the ones on the razors but could do with some just incase.
I've used Autosol to clean up blades in the past but never tried to sand away any heavy pitting, so any advice would be nice there too. I also have no idea what the scales on the Mois razor are made from, so don't wanna try cleaning these up before I know what they are.
I'm not too worried if anybody thinks they couldn't be restored to shaving use, I wouldn't mind ofcourse but I'd just be glad to get them back into a nice condition.
Many thanks