2024 for was a record RAD year for me, which included a few higher end purchases that I surprised even myself with. I decided that I had picked up enough razors to pump the brakes on new purchases for 2025 and to instead focus on rotating through and enjoying my current collection, and I figured I’d start this thread to review and compare the razors in my den as I revisit them throughout 2025.
To start the year, my baseline daily driver is going to be the Ti Blackbird and then I’ll haphazardly cycle through my other razors as curiosity strikes me. So far the Ti Blackbird gives me the best combination of shave closeness while also leaving me with zero post shave irritation, and I think my skin will thank me for prioritizing this razor in particular for the upcoming year.
For additional context, I’m black with thick curly hair and I use all of my DE razors solely for head shaves. All of my razor opinions are based on my head shaves.
Current Collection:
Higher Ends -
Ti Blackland Blackbird (standard and lite plate)
SS Blackland Osprey
Bronze Wolfman Guerrilla (.84SB and .69DC)
Bronze Lambda Athena
Mid Tier -
RazoRock Game Changer (.68OC, .76SB, .84SB)
RazoRock SLOC
King C Gillette
Aluminum -
RazoRock Lupo Al
Timeless Al
RazoRock Cyber Razor Medium
ATT Windsor Pro SB90 Al
Colonial CR7 (1-3 base plates)
Vintage -
Merkur Progress
Gillette Fatboy
Gillette New Long Comb
Schick Krona
Previously Owned -
RazoRock Lupo (.58SB, .72SB, .72OC, .95SB)
Rockwell 6C
Gillette Tech Aluminum
RazoRock Hawk V2
Parker SoloEdge
To start the year, my baseline daily driver is going to be the Ti Blackbird and then I’ll haphazardly cycle through my other razors as curiosity strikes me. So far the Ti Blackbird gives me the best combination of shave closeness while also leaving me with zero post shave irritation, and I think my skin will thank me for prioritizing this razor in particular for the upcoming year.
For additional context, I’m black with thick curly hair and I use all of my DE razors solely for head shaves. All of my razor opinions are based on my head shaves.
Current Collection:
Higher Ends -
Ti Blackland Blackbird (standard and lite plate)
SS Blackland Osprey
Bronze Wolfman Guerrilla (.84SB and .69DC)
Bronze Lambda Athena
Mid Tier -
RazoRock Game Changer (.68OC, .76SB, .84SB)
RazoRock SLOC
King C Gillette
Aluminum -
RazoRock Lupo Al
Timeless Al
RazoRock Cyber Razor Medium
ATT Windsor Pro SB90 Al
Colonial CR7 (1-3 base plates)
Vintage -
Merkur Progress
Gillette Fatboy
Gillette New Long Comb
Schick Krona
Previously Owned -
RazoRock Lupo (.58SB, .72SB, .72OC, .95SB)
Rockwell 6C
Gillette Tech Aluminum
RazoRock Hawk V2
Parker SoloEdge
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