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If you had $100.00 you found.

Leaning towards.

Omega 6217 Jade 22mm black badger if I get to keep the change. I want to try that knot out.

A Simpson in Best if I don't get to keep the change. Probably a 57.
Well looking at many Brush's, watching U-Tuber5s Reviews, to buy just one Brush is tough choice. Think many great offering under the $100.00 price point.
The Truefitt & Hill Wellington cured my BAD. I have no need for another brush. I would get a spare but I’d have to wait for another sale. $100 ain’t what it used to be.
I'd go back to Rudy Vey and ask him to make me a brush with a handle made out of osage orange or black walnut, with a new plant-based Mühle STF knot.

To be honest though, I only have my brush for insurance against soap containers I'm forced to deal with. As much as I admire brushes I've learned through experience I always end up lathering by hand. So if I found 100 dollars I'd probably do something else with it, like buy groceries. But if I were forced to spend it on a brush, I'd get a Rudy Vey.
I also almost got one of these, which I think is nice and under 100 usd:

There's other versions of it floating around like this one:



Ditto, ditto
Well looking at many Brush's, watching U-Tuber5s Reviews, to buy just one Brush is tough choice. Think many great offering under the $100.00 price point.
There's a million options if you like boars. Slightly less options if you like high-end synthetics (as the one you added a picture of) or mid-level badgers. Not many options for higher tier badgers (two-band or better). It's all up to your preference. Mixed knots are a good option (i.e. Semogue Mistura).

What do you use now? Do you want something different or just a higher-end version of what you have? I ask because that particular Omega Elite is an outstanding brush, especially for bowl lathering. Unless, of course, you only want a stiff, scritchy boar; if so, it will be a disappointment.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I'd get a Semogue SOC - either the 2 band badger or the Mistura badger/boar combo. Last I checked both ran under $80 and are very nice brushes, and the cherry handles are my definite preference.
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