What Brush would you add to Collection?
I'm testing this one right now. Not usually a fan of synthetics, but, it's so beautiful. I quite like this one.
There's a million options if you like boars. Slightly less options if you like high-end synthetics (as the one you added a picture of) or mid-level badgers. Not many options for higher tier badgers (two-band or better). It's all up to your preference. Mixed knots are a good option (i.e. Semogue Mistura).Well looking at many Brush's, watching U-Tuber5s Reviews, to buy just one Brush is tough choice. Think many great offering under the $100.00 price point.
I'm testing this one right now. Not usually a fan of synthetics, but, it's so beautiful. I quite like this one.
I won't give a review for a while, but, so far, I like it a lot. I have only used it in a bowl, so, this may be useless information.Howard the TEST RESULTS coming?
I’d wait until I found another hundred and buy a Plisson