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The British Raised Flat Bottom razor is a wonderful shaver - open comb efficiency with gentle smoothness. The Bakelite case is in great shape, with matching blade banks. This two-piece, silver-plated razor has some signs of age on the cap plating (as shown), but the teeth are perfectly aligned and it still shines brightly after many decades. A well-balanced razor and better shaver, IMHO, than the 3-piece RFB. Price is $125 shipped.
The British Raised Flat Bottom razor is a wonderful shaver - open comb efficiency with gentle smoothness. The Bakelite case is in great shape, with matching blade banks. This two-piece, silver-plated razor has some signs of age on the cap plating (as shown), but the teeth are perfectly aligned and it still shines brightly after many decades. A well-balanced razor and better shaver, IMHO, than the 3-piece RFB. Price is $125 shipped.