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Gillette blue blade

Hi all,

I just bought a blade bank that has several Gillette Blue blades. Could anyone look at the blades in the link and tell me what year they go back to? If they are not rusted/oxidation i will attempt to shave with one! If the blades date the same error as the bank then one who knows Gillette could probably date the bank and blades.

My understanding is that the banks thats had Gillette trade mark known the world over on the face of the Gillette lid that had Gillette blades on top of the lid and a match striker on the bottom of the bank were made around 1910. I don't know what time period this one 👇 is from??

I'm going to say 1959~1960 because the area around he, The King G's head, be blue, and henceforth hereto my prediction.

But listen to "The Man" above he know he onions and peas and carrots. w0t. open a blade and check it on the list provided.

Yes early blade banks as you describe are any where from 19?? into the 1920's, you bank is going to be much later than that, again I say 40's to 60's.

Nice looking condition though. :D
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