For me, the perfect shave is a DFS, not BBS, with no nicks, cuts, weepers, irritation, etc. I like to shave every day, and if I shave too closely, I usually have some irritation and an uncomfortable shave the next day. My perfect shave is unhurried and enjoyable; it is smooth and comfortable; it consists of 3 to 4 passes (because I enjoy using my brush for face-lathering!); and it never requires the use of a styptic pencil or alum block.
Today, my perfect shave consisted of:
Today, my perfect shave consisted of:
- Stock Feather AS-D1 (with no shims and without my iKon OSS base plate)
- Feather blade
- M&F butterscotch Blonde Badger brush (the color makes a difference!)
- GFT Coconut Oil shave cream
- Captain's Choice Bay Rum aftershave
- Neutrogena moisturizer applied liberally after the bay rum dried