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Can you clean a vintage razor with OxiClean

I recently received a Gillette Fatboy in the mail that needs a little love. Has anybody tried cleaning their razors with OxiClean?


System Generated
I wouldn't, but nobody's stopping you.

The only other threads with "Oxiclean" in the title here on B&B, are how it ruined a razor and how it ruined a brush.
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Try a little vinegar. You could also add a little baking soda, that foams and makes a weak acid that cleans well. Then scrub with a toothbrush. Another option would just be a tooth brush or other cleaning brush and a light abrasive, like toothpaste.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Soap, warm water, and a toothbrush. No harsh chemicals.

Try a little vinegar.
Vinegar is acetic acid which will dissolve nickel. I did a test once on a Super Speed.
Look it up if you don't believe it.

I would definitely use milder products. I had a Superpeed that was really rough looking. Soaking in warm water, Dawn dish soap and a toothbrush did a striking transformation. Follow that up with some Flitz polish and I think you'll be amazed at the result.
Soap, warm water, and a toothbrush. No harsh chemicals.

Vinegar is acetic acid which will dissolve nickel. I did a test once on a Super Speed.
Look it up if you don't believe it.

I stand corrected. My apologies!
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