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Blue ... Stuff in my vintage Colgate container

So a while ago I decided that the masterpiece named Arko! was wearthy of a propper soap container. I picked up a vintage Colgate tube and cleaned it. Perfect fit for the Arko stick.
But...now that some time has passend I notice some blue gue on the sides of the tube.
What is this? Is it a normal reaction of the brass/tin VS soap? Is it fungus?
Should I toss this glorious stick of Arko?




I smell like a Christmas pudding
I am not sure what that is but I have seen it in plenty of metal cannisters I have found in travel toiletries sets. I am fairly sure it is not a fungus or mould, but instead is caused by some sort of chemical reaction between the soap and the container, or possibly by oxidisation of the metal. It is a decision for you but I would have no problem using the tube in that condition, and any soap that had been stored therein. I would however attempt a gentle cleaning of the tube interior.
I mean, it looks kinda like verdigris, so I'm wondering if there's some copper in there somewhere (like with many silver variants)...

I'm just some rando on the internet, though.

How easily did the aqua stuff come off? How dry are you keeping it in there?


I smell like a Christmas pudding
I am almost certain the tube is not silver. If you want to test then put the tube, or maybe just the cap, into a plastic bag along with a crushed hard boiled egg, then seal the bag. Ten minutes later, if the tube/cap has turned black with tarnish then it is silver, otherwise it is not. To then remove the tarnish you can use aluminium foil and baking soda - the same methods work with any silver items.


I smell like a Christmas pudding
A gentle scrub or some rubbing of a finger with hot water gets rid of it.

I usually just slam the whet stick back in there, probably a bad idea.
I regularly use vintage sticks dating from the 1930s to the 1980s and if they do not have their own cases then I store them in similar cannisters to yours. Mine have ventilation holes in the tops but even so I allow the sticks to completely dry before storage. As per the instructions included with many vintage shaving sticks, I do not dip the stick in water, so it does not become too wet. Instead I rub the dry stick on my wet face and sometimes onto the damp brush.
What is this?
Verdigris, “Green of Greece”.

Is it a normal reaction of the brass/tin VS soap?

The canister IS Nickel plated brass! there is NO silver in this equation! Brass is Copper and zinc, copper and copper alloys [bronze/brass] will form verdigris [Eg:-statue of liberty]

I would suggest you Oogle the word "verdigris" and draw your own conclusions from that as to wether you are comfortable with the substance called verdigris.
Ugh, I don't think I'll keep using it. Thanks for that!

I pointed you toward your own research as medical advice is not allowed.

Copper metal is fine, when it oxidises or reacted with other substances it them becomes soluble. Copper derivatives are toxic to aquatic life. And never cook acidic foods in copper pots. They do "look" good, though.

Its simple, once the nickel is worn/corroded/not there the brass is exposed, >>>given the right conditions <<<< verdigris will continue to form over and over and over, each time you clean it. And nickel plate can have microscopic holes in it in the first place, leading to verdigris on nickel eroding the adhesion under the nickel leading to more brass exposure and and and.

Please Note :- >>>>>> the text between<<<<< before going off like a pork chop in the sun.

I even have verdigris on the nose pads of my eye glasses. :scared:
I have cleaned it before.
Got rid of all of it, it just seems to come back.
Reading what it can do to people and as someone who already surfers (alot ☹️)from IBS, I'm better to stay away.

Pitty though, because as you mentioned it looks extremely cool.
I have cleaned it before.
Got rid of all of it, it just seems to come back.
Reading what it can do to people and as someone who already surfers (alot ☹️)from IBS, I'm better to stay away.

Pitty though, because as you mentioned it looks extremely cool.
Yes is a pity. I'm a collector not a user, they are cool, I have several, in nickel, silver, bakelite, yet to find gold but don't have to have a gold, yet. If I can find it I will send you a link to a video?
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