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Birth year 1968

Are there any good recommendations out there for a quality, good performing and somewhat collectible 1968 razor?
because I really need to buy even more shaving paraphenalia!:redface-new:
As you can see from the Shavewiki:


There are a number of choices for 1968 (N date code) - one of the years with more choices than most. Tech, Black Handle Super Adjustable, Black Handle SuperSpeed, Slim Adjustable, Lady Gillette, Knack. That's a quite a range to choose from, and all with different shaves. Take a look at the links off of the dating page for details on each.
If anyone is letting go of any quality 1968 razors please pm me!

Are there any good recommendations out there for a quality, good performing and somewhat collectible 1968 razor?
because I really need to buy even more shaving paraphenalia!:redface-new:
You might want to put a WTB ad on the BST forum, but you'll need to wait a bit on that, as there is a 50 posts, 45 day rule before you can do that.


However, you'll be most successful just digging in and looking for what you want on Ebay, as well as for sale items on the BST. On eBay you can of course search for things with that date code, but that can be hit or miss. Many sellers don't know about the date codes, or post them in the listing even if they do. So, sometimes you'll have to contact the seller to ask.

One additional bit of information - the date code has two parts, a letter and a number. 1968 is "N", as I mentioned. The number (1-4) represents the quarter within that year. So you can actually get one that is made in your specific birth quarter if you like. Obviously that makes the search a tad more difficult, but most folks I think find their birth quarter razors eventually, especially for the more common models. The best chance of success is to pay attention to the BST listings, and wade through eBay listing for the razor type to find one with the right code.

On your questions about "quality", or "collectible" razors, you'll want to narrow down what that really means to you. Are you looking for something that's new and never been opened with orignal case and paperwork? Do you want something that just looks decent or does it need to be perfect? From the mechanical/shaveablity perspective, just about anything you find is going to work. Adjustables can be a bit more trouble, but most of the time are functional as is, or only need a good cleaning. The price difference between Mint and User grade can be quite substantial, if that matters to you. And, don't forget that you can replate razors! Almost all of the Gillettes are plated brass, and can be easily re-plated. So, you can find one that's just a good shaver, that's undamaged, initially, then replate later if you like.

Edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention antique stores.. if you live in an area with a healthy antique market, you might find what you're looking for out in the wild. Those can be very rewarding finds, and sometimes dirt cheap!

If anyone is letting go of any quality 1968 razors please pm me!
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