Reddit? Are you in there?
why doesn't the universe have an 'edge'? if the big bang created something from nothing (so to speak) and if the universe is still expanding, doesn't logic dictate there is an edge?
why doesn't the universe have an 'edge'? if the big bang created something from nothing (so to speak) and if the universe is still expanding, doesn't logic dictate there is an edge?
Who said that it didn't have an edge?
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
why doesn't the universe have an 'edge'? if the big bang created something from nothing (so to speak) and if the universe is still expanding, doesn't logic dictate there is an edge?
Who said that it didn't have an edge?
Scientists also made up global warming. Or was that Al Gore?
There are no train crossings on the highway and no walgreens, so I assume the driver is on a regular street.
The man is clearly in a hurry, and there is someone that has put on Lilac Vegetal in the despite the aftershaves somewhat repulsive scent, it is not so powerful to disturb the driver unless he has it on his own face. Now, you can assume that being extremely uncomfortable with the constant assault on his nostrils, he was unaware of his surroundings and didn't even notice the freight train.
All the man wanted was some Aqua Velva to offset the Lilac. Alas, i blame the other two men, friends don't let friends drive smelling Lilac Vegetal!
I can make a lilac vegetal positive version as well, I originally was going to, but then I changed my mind. I have, to be honest, never smelled the stuff.
chfair, I have two exams that I am horrendously prepared for, in roughly 23 hours. I'll answer you tomorrow night.
what are your particular interests in quantum physics?
loved the subject of quantum computing and the overall theories but the math and physics where well above my head in the classes i took, my focus is in computer programming and i did not want to go to in-depth into the math of quantum. researched the theoretical fastest search of an unsorted database algorithm for my class (sat in on the other and did no research for it).
Dear TheBigO,
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
Any thoughts?
why doesn't the universe have an 'edge'? if the big bang created something from nothing (so to speak) and if the universe is still expanding, doesn't logic dictate there is an edge?
Reddit? Are you in there?
Dear TheBigO,
I decided to skip the question of bottomless pits actually having bottoms yet to be diescovered.
I was wondering about Otitis externa.
I have been fighting with this condition for the past 6 months using all the usual remedies with less then stellar results.
Someone told me they heard that a 3% H2O2 lavage might help.
What are your feeilings on this treatment?
Okay. Why are you muscling in on Skklog's territory?
How is asking you anything scientific?
Since you opened the door to any question, I would like to pose one to you specifically as a Muslim: Is there a strong sentiment among the Muslim population against the perpetuation of violence in the name of your religion? If so, why do we (non-Muslim public) not hear more of it?
I don’t mean this to be an indictment of Islam, nor do I assume that “all Muslims are terrorists.” I seek to understand the view of the ummah with regard to actions taken by those with takfiri beliefs (Al Qa’ida). I know enough of the religion and its origins to have an understanding of the basic tenets, but not the current teachings. You spoke of the argument used by some that the Prophet took a nine-year-old wife. In 620 A.D., this may have been a common social norm and is no reason to discount an entire religion. What is more interesting to me is the seemingly tacit approval – or at least the lack of public denouncement – of the Muslim world to the continued use of terrorism in today’s world.
The sentiment against terrorism, and violence as a form of dissent is quite powerful. etc ... .
I find your comments very encouraging and am very glad to read them. I do have a couple of questions. These are real questions and not meant to be rhetorical nor "gotcha" questions so if they seem to be so blame it on my poor communications skills and please accept my apologies ahead if time...
1) Why don't we hear similar sentiments from national leaders in the Muslim World? As much as I appreciate your (and MSA's) sentiments, I don't think many people will consider this to be any more substantial than, for example, statements about America from various Boy Scout troops. I agree with your reasons that we don't hear about MSA and similar Muslim groups in the news but think if we heard from prominent, "world stage" Muslims it would be news.
2) Have you heard of "Let's All Draw Mohamed Day"? If so, what do you think the general Muslim reaction to that is? Indifference? Laughter? Anger? Outrage? Fear? Other? Would it be the same as your reaction?
I must admit, I was a little skeptical of the difference the blade could make back in my lurking days.
But I needed blades, so I tried this pack:
I also bought sharks locally, found them to be good, not great. I tried the 7'oclocks, and they hurt...alot. Tried the Wilkinson Sword Classics...amazing. The Merkurs were acceptable, better than the sharks.
I also noticed that my blade has a slight mechanical defect where loads unevenly (one side more aggressive than the other) without slight adjustments by me while tightening. So I want to chalk that up to the reason why the 7'oclocks sucked. I'll try again, making sure they are loaded properly and see if they are nicer. The Feathers...I want to be more experienced before tackling them. I still cut myself often.
I am thinking about buying the Merkur 38c (barber pole), but that won't be before I get my thesis done early next year.
After perfecting my setup, my focus will be on cutting down my costs/making things last longer...just cause.
So when are you going to unload that chintzy Parker and get a "real" razor?