Ambi Shaver here.
Yes, based on people's opinion that you can use two hands, I have attempted to use two hands as well. Although I seem to be successful, it doesn't seem right and I end up reverting to my dominant hand. I guess it's a matter of time and practice.Ambi-shaver too. Tried dominant hand shaving a couple of times just to see the differance and there are some spots I just can't do with one hand. You'd be surprised just how fast you can develop the skills for two hand shaving.
I am... er... a... ahh... hmmm... switch hitter. Being not quite sure of what I may have admitted to, let me clarify my coming out by saying that I use my right hand (dominant) to shave the right side of my face and my left hand to shave the left side, with the rightly gripped razor to clean up spots of lather here and there. I've always done it that way as it just worked out comfortably for me.