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Adjustable choice: Parker Variant or Merkur Futur?

I have only the Futur Clone, and I have found it to be an excellent shaver. However, it does have an uneven blade, which concerns me. There have been some times when this may have given me a less than ideal result, but it has never been a huge issue.

If it mirrors the Future (which I have read it does not), it would indicate the Futur is outstanding in its function.
I can look at it, to see if the blade is even, when I get home.

You have to put the cap on in a certain direction. If you put it on the wrong way, the cap sits unlevel.
My Futur has an even amount of blade on each side of the head.
Excellent! You can see in the pic that one end is narrower than the other on my clone.
Excellent! You can see in the pic that one end is narrower than the other on my clone.
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After reading your thread I got interested in the Futur. :001_rolle

I don't know the clone but this does not look ok!

I own a newer Futur and just checked. It does not have this tolerance (the blade is a training-dummy that I taped):


I tried the Futur up to setting 4 and I like this razor so far. It starts to get a bit aggressive at setting 4 though :bayrum2:

Btw. my Futur does not have any markings to put the cap on in a specific way. It also seems that both directions fit. Maybe there was a change in the design?
In fairness, my Futur clone has been dropped, and that could account for damage and the mis-aligned blade. However, I also cannot be certain that the issue was not there before its fall.
Of the ones you mentioned, I have only the Futur, and have never tried the clone. The Futur was my first DE razor, recommended by the gentleman that ran St. James of London at the time. I absolutely love the razor. I run it wide open, all the time. it took some experimenting with different blades, and, of course, a learning curve with it being my first DE razor; I started at the 1 and worked my way up to wide open. Loaded with Gillette Silver Blues, I find the Futur a great daily shaver. And when I skip shaving for a day or two, the Futur will absolutely devour stubble. My goodness, will it clean you up quickly.

Most of the criticism I read online about the Futur is around three issues: the handle is too slippery, the head is too big, and the razor is too aggressive. Once I learned to use the Futur, those issues stopped impacting the quality of the shave, or my enjoyment of the shaving process; it was a lot like learning to play the guitar: once I put in the effort to learn to use it correctly, I loved the results. And there's always room to tweak and improve, if you're paying attention to the details.

Regarding the handle issue, I have fairly large hands, so the size of the grip is a plus for me; hold the razor with your thumb and forefinger at the indentation and stabilize with your middle and ring fingers on the fat part (as designed...). I've had the Futur for over ten years, and the razor has never been dropped. Just pay attention and use the razor the way it's designed. Just like any other tool.

Regarding the size of the head and getting to the area under your nose: turn the razor sideways and/or upside down for that area, and proceed. Again, it's simply learning to use the tool properly. And paying attention.

And regarding the aggressiveness: yes, the user of the Futur gets to pay attention; the Futur can, indeed, be quick to bite when the user is careless or lazy. But the flip side is that you can get one fantastic shave after the other, without bleeding (or irritation, for that matter), when you put in the effort to use the tool correctly. As is the case with many other good things in life that cut, cleave, or perforate: respect it and you'll have a long, wonderful relationship; treat it without respect or with laziness, and you'll bleed sooner than later. Would you be careless driving a Shelby Cobra around a curve over wet asphalt? Well, you could, but it's liable to make both you and that beautiful vehicle dead. In the case of the Futur: seriously, you're running a sharp object over your throat (and carotid, depending on your beard)... why would you do anything EXCEPT pay attention?

Anyway, my other razor and point of comparison is a OneBlade, acquired because "oh, that seems kind of cool!"; the OneBlade is much milder, lighter, offers (much) fewer blade options, and has a thinner head than the Futur. They shave much differently. I use the OneBlade only when a) my medication-induced skin issues flare up, or b) I just want a change of pace and want to use the other one. The OneBlade is very comfortable, easy to use, MILD, and enjoyable. I can reliably achieve a BBS shave every time I have the time for a three-pass shave (plus some buffing). I also have to replace the dollar-per-piece blade after only two shaves; and with a two-day beard, the OneBlade requires three passes to shave my cheeks as smooth as the Futur+GSB shaves with the first pass. YMMV. Cheers.
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