All right so it's more of an observational analysis, but so far it's rather amusing to me. We've all seen hundreds of posts denigrating this stuff, but there are those few out there who seem to take to it. It got me thinking somebody must be buying this product otherwise it would go away. About the middle of June I was purusing the AS selections in the shave aisle at a drugstore down the street from me. I had always seen those "off-the-wall" brands down there on the bottom shelf, but never paid them any mind. Until getting serious about DE shaving that is. No way I was going to purchase these products cold without at least giving them a snif test first. So after several quick glances to make sure I didn't get busted, I cracked the seal on several and gave them a whif. I was good with some, unsure of others, but only one stood out as singularly hideous...Lilac Vegetal.
Ok, so here's the experiment/observation. I check back into that drugstore every three weeks or so. I always head over to the shave aisle just for fun--it comforts me somehow
. I'm always compelled to grab the L. Vegetal and whif it again--just to make sure I do in fact hate it? Don't know why. Regardless it turns out that same bottle I tested back in June is still there. Keep in mind it is the only bottle available, and I didn't truly break the seal. I just turned the cap and it twisted off leaving that cheap plastic sheath in tact if a little squished. Point being if somebody were going to buy it they prob. wouldn't even notice the seal. The simple fact is we are at the 2 1/2 mos. mark and no one has purchased L. Vegetal at this fairly busy, major metropolitan drugstore. I've made it my mission now to see how long it takes before somebody buys that bottle. How long do you think it will be? In my pathetic little way this has me amused and excited. 
Ok, so here's the experiment/observation. I check back into that drugstore every three weeks or so. I always head over to the shave aisle just for fun--it comforts me somehow