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A Lilac Vegetal Experiment

All right so it's more of an observational analysis, but so far it's rather amusing to me. We've all seen hundreds of posts denigrating this stuff, but there are those few out there who seem to take to it. It got me thinking somebody must be buying this product otherwise it would go away. About the middle of June I was purusing the AS selections in the shave aisle at a drugstore down the street from me. I had always seen those "off-the-wall" brands down there on the bottom shelf, but never paid them any mind. Until getting serious about DE shaving that is. No way I was going to purchase these products cold without at least giving them a snif test first. So after several quick glances to make sure I didn't get busted, I cracked the seal on several and gave them a whif. I was good with some, unsure of others, but only one stood out as singularly hideous...Lilac Vegetal.

Ok, so here's the experiment/observation. I check back into that drugstore every three weeks or so. I always head over to the shave aisle just for fun--it comforts me somehow :redface:. I'm always compelled to grab the L. Vegetal and whif it again--just to make sure I do in fact hate it? Don't know why. Regardless it turns out that same bottle I tested back in June is still there. Keep in mind it is the only bottle available, and I didn't truly break the seal. I just turned the cap and it twisted off leaving that cheap plastic sheath in tact if a little squished. Point being if somebody were going to buy it they prob. wouldn't even notice the seal. The simple fact is we are at the 2 1/2 mos. mark and no one has purchased L. Vegetal at this fairly busy, major metropolitan drugstore. I've made it my mission now to see how long it takes before somebody buys that bottle. How long do you think it will be? In my pathetic little way this has me amused and excited. :lol:
Hah - I did the same thing just last weekend, right down to casing the joint to make sure nobody was looking. I loved the standard clubman A.S., just like I remember smelling in the barbershop as a kid. The Lilac Vegetal? YUK!:eek:

Once my Old Spice runs out, I may go back for the Clubman A.S. I'll be nice and buy the one I whiffed...
Same thing here!:w00t:

Long's Drugs in Hilo has been out of everything Pinaud (very limited stock though) except for the same four Lilac Vegitals that I have seen on the shelf for several months. :bored:


Wanting for wisdom
I hated the smell of it when I first tried it but it feels good and the ugly part of the scent fades quickly. Sounds like I'm the only guy in North America to buy a bottle.
One of the problems people have with judging scent is that they smell it from the bottle. I do that too, but the fact is that scent simply doesn't work that way. It has to react with one's skin for it to develop. If you want to know what a scent will smell like, put some on. That's the only way to know what it will actually smell like.

There's one other point I would make: men generally buy scents that they like and they avoid scents that they think are too "feminine" and for most men, that's backward. Men should buy scents that women like, not that they like. And inevitably, a scent that a woman likes is exactly what most men will not purchase if left to their own devices.
One of the problems people have with judging scent is that they smell it from the bottle. I do that too, but the fact is that scent simply doesn't work that way. It has to react with one's skin for it to develop. If you want to know what a scent will smell like, put some on. That's the only way to know what it will actually smell like.

There's one other point I would make: men generally buy scents that they like and they avoid scents that they think are too "feminine" and for most men, that's backward. Men should buy scents that women like, not that they like. And inevitably, a scent that a woman likes is exactly what most men will not purchase if left to their own devices.

Too true with regards to putting it on your skin. At first I didn't think much of Pinaud Bay Rum or English Leather in the bottle. I took a chance and purchased both and now they are two of my favorites. As to your second point I don't know any woman who enjoys eau de cat **** which is what LV smells like in the bottle and on the skin. :tongue:
Ahh, I see, so you guys are the a-holes who have been opening all the bottles. :mad: J/K

Seriously thought I bought some at a Walgreens on vacation, and half of the bottle spilled in my car, the cap never came off, but was not put back on all the way. I thought since the seal was on it it would be ok. Please just spend the 5 dollars and get the stuff. I did and I think it smells like a baby. :biggrin: (which for me is bad)

It was really no problem thought, the smell only lasted that night and was gone in the morning.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
There's one other point I would make: men generally buy scents that they like and they avoid scents that they think are too "feminine" and for most men, that's backward. Men should buy scents that women like, not that they like. And inevitably, a scent that a woman likes is exactly what most men will not purchase if left to their own devices.

I'd say no, it's the other way around ... men shouldn't try to smell too feminine ... women don't want a man who smells like a chick!
All right so it's more of an observational analysis, but so far it's rather amusing to me. We've all seen hundreds of posts denigrating this stuff, but there are those few out there who seem to take to it. It got me thinking somebody must be buying this product otherwise it would go away. About the middle of June I was purusing the AS selections in the shave aisle at a drugstore down the street from me. I had always seen those "off-the-wall" brands down there on the bottom shelf, but never paid them any mind. Until getting serious about DE shaving that is. No way I was going to purchase these products cold without at least giving them a snif test first. So after several quick glances to make sure I didn't get busted, I cracked the seal on several and gave them a whif. I was good with some, unsure of others, but only one stood out as singularly hideous...Lilac Vegetal.

Ok, so here's the experiment/observation. I check back into that drugstore every three weeks or so. I always head over to the shave aisle just for fun--it comforts me somehow :redface:. I'm always compelled to grab the L. Vegetal and whif it again--just to make sure I do in fact hate it? Don't know why. Regardless it turns out that same bottle I tested back in June is still there. Keep in mind it is the only bottle available, and I didn't truly break the seal. I just turned the cap and it twisted off leaving that cheap plastic sheath in tact if a little squished. Point being if somebody were going to buy it they prob. wouldn't even notice the seal. The simple fact is we are at the 2 1/2 mos. mark and no one has purchased L. Vegetal at this fairly busy, major metropolitan drugstore. I've made it my mission now to see how long it takes before somebody buys that bottle. How long do you think it will be? In my pathetic little way this has me amused and excited. :lol:

This has the makings of another "how many licks to the bottom of a shave stick" thread:w00t:

Edited to add: I'm guessing 195 days
Sorry to rtheen. I always securely reattach the caps after my little, 'er tests. That must have been truly hideous. Like that Seinfeld episode where the BO takes on a life of its own. I think these stores should just open one bottle from each shipment and let people test them.

Gunner, I am completely committed to this investigation. I wonder how long it will take? Weeks? Months? Years? Could I actually live and die and this bottle never sells? That would be something. Oh, this thread will get the occasional bumparoo whether it needs it or not.
Come on guys, the only thing worse than opening the bottle in the store would be to shop lift it. The cracked seal, could cause the bottle to go bad on the shelf. Y'all need to go back to the store, stand up, be a wet shaver and buy the damaged product so that someone who does like the stuff doesn't end up with a "skunked" bottle of -Old Face Burner-

I'll be honest and say upfront that I don't buy any scented things without my helpmeet of 28 years. She is the one woman in the world whom I wish to impress and smell nice for. So for me its pretty simple - I take her nose with me. Case in point when I found Mama Bear's shave soaps my wife did the choosing for me. She picked the Lavender Mint, I used to have a bottle of Lilac Vegetal, and for me it worked pretty well.

And a helpful hint I picked up from my wife a number of years ago. When testing a new scent the best place to put the sample is the back of one hand or the inside of the wrist. Nearly every perfume / AS will have a very loud flash as it hits the skin. You want to go from the perfume counter to another part of the store (mall) and look at something like socket wrenches, or golf clubs. After about 10 to 15 minutes you want to have SWMBO sniff the hand that the perfume was applied to. That gives enough time for the flash to dissipate, and for your body chemistry and the scent to interact. (Note from SWMBO - If you want to test a scent - Ask. Most places will have tester bottles of things that they sell. If what you are interested in doesn't have a tester they may take a bottle and open it so you can test it. Turns out this isn't just a Guy thing. There are ladies, in name only, who open bottles on the sly too. SWMBO has on at least one occasion gotten a skunked bottle of perfume.)

Those of you with a tame female should take the plunge, and go shopping for AS with them. I guarantee that you will come home with something you didn't expect. You also won't end up smelling like something the cat threw up.
Skunked? Too late.

In fact I did purchase every other brand. If you'll notice most of the AS's on the store shelf don't have a seal of any kind. Take a look at AV, Mennen, OS, EL, Brut. They have screw or pop caps and nothing else; not even a plastic tab over the opening. Heck, most don't even come in so much as a box. Those very few that do use a seal are in place more for consumer confidence regarding poisoning I think. Further these things go on our bathroom shelves and sit for months and years before they are used up so I'm not too sure it's possible for them to get "skunked". Regardless, if this offends or dismays then I do apologize. The purpose of this thread is for amusement only.
I didn’t think it was particularly bad per se. It reminded me of fresh lilacs...and ferrets. One of the girls with us really dug it when she dabbed it on her wrist (she happened to be a ferret owner). Later that day we noticed that it dried down to a pleasant single note lilac.

We also found out that it was made for the Hungarian Army in the 1800's.
You wonder how long until it is bought - I think it will be you who picks it up!

Each time you go back, you will wonder more and more about owning it. Eventually you will give in, and buy the vegetal! SUBMIT TO THE VEGETAL!!!
Anyone know *why* the top notes smell the way they do in LV?

if the "base" is better, why bother with a top that's going to send guys (and maybe chicks) in the opposite direction?


As others have stated, the Lilac Vegetal smells good once it is applied to skin. And surprisingly, it becomes a light scent several minutes after being applied. Just don't wave the bottle under your nose while applying it and you will probably like the stuff.
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