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8 new beers you should know

Another bi-monthly update of brews from coolmaterial.com. Anyone try any of these? Bought a four pack of The Muddy by Goose Island a week ago and it was pretty good. If you're a fan of stouts, definitely worth a try.


When you hit your local liquor store or brewery in search of some new beers to try, there are a few worth keeping an eye out for. Some of these are brand new, some are brewery-only releases, and some were just announced for future release. Next time you’re out scouting potential fridge-dwellers, keep an eye out for these.








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I'm not gonna lie, I love the Game of Thrones beers from Ommegang. I grabbed the first one I saw because I thought it was cool, I kept buying them because they are fantastic.

The Voodoo Doughnut stuff is interesting but I have never bought a second bottle of any flavor, the closest I cam was the maple bacon variety.
Not a big fan of that Voodoo Rogue brew. I split a bottle with my girlfriend and we were both disappointed.

There are hints of chocolate in the in smell and on the tongue, briefly. Couldn't taste ANY banana. There was a fleeting peanut butter aftertaste, but it would have probably went unnoticed if we hadn't been looking for it.

If you want a good chocolate beer buy a bottle/pack of Young's Double Chocolate

Looking forward to trying those other ones though!
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