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Slivovitz Plum Brandy

Pros: its cheap and it's Slivo
Cons: its bad slivo, hot, young, angry
This is cheap Croatian stuff made by Maraska. (the Serbian counterpart is Navip and it's equally as bad)...

This is hot, angry, spicy rakija. empty about 25% of the bottle and cut it with honey, and it's much less bad.

Brands such as Manastirka, Imperijal, Stara Sokolova, are much better alternatives.
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Pros: Goes well with any smoked meats
Cons: Some do burn
This is great stuff, but nothing beats home-made variety from Serbia.
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No good ever came from drinking Slivovitz.

It is far, far more dangerous to short term memory and your acquiring a criinal record than tequila.
Haven't had slivovitz in quite awhile....last time the next morning it felt like a giant plum was hovering over my house
Nothing bad can be said about Slivovitz. And even if you don't like the first shot, you'll notice that each successive one becomes more enjoyable. In my family, we drink it at every joyous event (as well as at a few less joyous ones).
I had had Slivovitz at many a party in the Czech Republic. Good stuff!
JBHoren;829756 said:
It wouldn't be Shabbos, without Shalash Seuda; and it wouldn't be Shalash Seuda, without several plates of matjes, sweet gherkins, onion wedges, stale matzot, kugel Yerushalmi, and a bottle of Slivovitz!

For years, my Saturdays were the same: a mid-afternoon shiur, followed by Mincha, then around the table we sat: a shtikle Teyreh, a bissle nosh, and an uncorked bottle of Slivovitz... accompanied by lots of happy, spirited singing!

Price: No matter what it is, it's reasonable!
Quality: All Slivovitz is high-quality!
Value: Value? Priceless!
Flavor: It's Shabbos! Everything tastes good!
Aroma: After the matjes and onions, who can smell anything?
Packaging: Hey! if it doesn't leak, it's fine by me.
I just dig the stuff. I am of slovene descent and have only had a few bottles of this firewater. Guarantees an interesting night haha
It wouldn't be Shabbos, without Shalash Seuda; and it wouldn't be Shalash Seuda, without several plates of matjes, sweet gherkins, onion wedges, stale matzot, kugel Yerushalmi, and a bottle of Slivovitz!

For years, my Saturdays were the same: a mid-afternoon shiur, followed by Mincha, then around the table we sat: a shtikle Teyreh, a bissle nosh, and an uncorked bottle of Slivovitz... accompanied by lots of happy, spirited singing!

Price: No matter what it is, it's reasonable!
Quality: All Slivovitz is high-quality!
Value: Value? Priceless!
Flavor: It's Shabbos! Everything tastes good!
Aroma: After the matjes and onions, who can smell anything?
Packaging: Hey! if it doesn't leak, it's fine by me.
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Slivovitz is really strong, has poor flavor, and burns like hell. It is distilled from plums in Serbia or Hungary and is around 100 proof.
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