I bought a mug and unused soap off Ebay, the price was a bit steep, but that's a function of supply and demand I guess.
The quality is unquestionable. The mug looks terrific, real Olde Worlde style, fits in the hand perfectly and has a nice solid feel to it. The soap has survived from ~ 1970 extremely well, lathers easily, supplies a rich and protective lather with ease. The bristles seem to stand up a bit more than usual, making for a close and smooth shave.
The scent has pretty much faded, but there is some scent. I would love to know what it smelled like when it was brand new................but alas!
The lather is wonderful, easily made and super slick.
Efficacy is excellent, a smooth, close, easy shave and the moisturising great.
What a pity it's not made any more, a pox on you progress!!
The quality is unquestionable. The mug looks terrific, real Olde Worlde style, fits in the hand perfectly and has a nice solid feel to it. The soap has survived from ~ 1970 extremely well, lathers easily, supplies a rich and protective lather with ease. The bristles seem to stand up a bit more than usual, making for a close and smooth shave.
The scent has pretty much faded, but there is some scent. I would love to know what it smelled like when it was brand new................but alas!
The lather is wonderful, easily made and super slick.
Efficacy is excellent, a smooth, close, easy shave and the moisturising great.
What a pity it's not made any more, a pox on you progress!!