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Jade East by Songo

Pros: Wonderful scent
Cons: Hard to find outside of mail order catalogs.
My gift comes straight out of the bottle. The 10 rating for atomizer indicates my approval of the size of the dispensed amount.
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Quality of Atomizer
5.00 star(s)
Sorry guys, it smells exactly like BRUT on me. no difference...except the price.
2.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
Quality of Atomizer
5.00 star(s)
It never ceases to amaze me how scents can trigger such strong emotion and visualizations of days past. This was my fathers decant from the 60's. At an extremely impressionable age during puberty may father went to Vietnam and the lasting thing I remember of him was the hug at the airport and that haunting smell of Jade east. When we visited him on R&R in Hawaii I saw him from a distance walking toward us as if in slow motion, all haggard from war, but sharp as a "Feather". During that long walk I could not help but notice that every woman he past actually turned to look at him, as if he cast some sort of spell upon them. Finally when we embraced once again the haunting, unmistakable scent of Jade East.

I have adopted it as my own simply from the memory of that day.

Having shared this story I'm not sure if this review is tainted by my memories or if the experience is genuine. That said this is a magnificent signature, statement scent. It exudes mystery and danger. If worn be prepared to get attention. I'm no James Bond, however I rarely am in the company of a woman without some positive, or inquisitive reaction. This happens even with my wife present. (Does not make her happy)

This old school scent is definitely worth revisiting. An amazingly complex citrus and aromatic wood start with wafting orchid and frangipani undertones hits you immediately when applied. Shortly thereafter you will notice a subtle musky vanilla that blends seamlessly with the citrus, floras and wood.

This is long lasting- A Solid 6 hours is the norm for me.

Aftershave leaves a fantastic finish without being oily. Top off with a unscented balm and Gold Bond medicated powder and your face will feel like a piston covered in Slick 50.

One note I've let a friend borrow mine when I wanted something lighter for a change and it smelled exactly the same on him as on me when worn. (I actually caught myself trying to smell him when he was nearby, bizarre) So it seems that individual chemistry will not change the scent from user to user. YMMV

At about $16 for a 4oz Aftershave. It is a steal! A Must have in your arsenal.
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Staying Power
5.00 star(s)
Quality of Atomizer
4.00 star(s)
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