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Alba Sea mist

Move over Williams....

(just kidding, guys!:001_tongu)

This, is the WORST stuff imaginable.

I was travelling the other weekend,and figured I'd just use the wife's Alba Sea Mist moisturizing foam shave......

My mistake:eek:

The key phrase here is "mist", it comes in a pump foaming dispenser top, and as you apply it to your face it dissapears into vapors...

It provides about as much glide as a strip of flypaper.:mad:

About as much cushion as a fold out couch bed at your uncle Ernie's trailer home.:frown:

Perhaps, like Williams, I just haven't learned how to lather it correctly....:rolleyes:
I tried putting gobs and gobs of ths stuff on, still no improvemnt. Felt about how it would feel to shave dry, without any product at all.

On the plus side:
It smells kind of nice.

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