This brush (the 31K256, just to clarify), is a great one and my first synthetic. It is incredibly soft and does a really nice job of lathering in the bowl. Face lathering, however, is a bit more of a problem and really the one drawback that keeps this brush from leapfrogging badger brushes altogether. The problem is that it does not soak up water nearly as well as natural fiber, which causes it to slide off too quickly. I can get a nice lather in the bowl, but I'm forced to use a painting technique to get it on my face. I wouldn't consider myself to be a face latherer, but I do like to finish my lathers on my face. That's hard to do with this brush. The flip side of this condition is that it dries very quickly. For this reason, I like to keep it as my travel brush; it even comes with a small cardboard tube that you can use when slipping it in your Dopp kit.