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FREE WEEK, SOTD "themed week" October 24th - October 30th 2011

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Revisor 6/8 l Musgo Real l Chubby 2 Best l Razorock Wax

Pre-Shave: Hot shower
Brush: 28mm Rodney Neep Extra Stuffed Silvertip Badger w/ African Soapstone handle
Razor: 8/8" Bismarck #6, Full Hollow Ground, Round Point
Strop: 10/55/25 laps (Neil Miller Linen / Imperial Shave "Pegasus III" Horse hide leather / Cordovan leather)
Soapreme: Acca Kappa "1869" Shave Creme + Acca Kappa "1869" Shave Soap + Glycerin
Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel (Lavender, no alcohol)
After Shave Splash: Floïd Italian Blue AS
After Shave Balm: eShave "Almond" ASB
Cologne: Acca Kappa "1869" EdT
Results: In my hallucinations due to limited sleep and living in a two dimensional world of my computer screen for the past couple of days, I came up with a new word (or rather a synonym) for überlather; SOAPREME (Soap + Creme and it rhymes with Supreme). The Acca Kappa combo is such an animal, all the way to its core:001_wub:. Moisturizing, excellent glide and cushion and fabulous almond scent. Coupling this wholesome goodness of a lather with my Bismarck proved to a great choice. As much as I liked the nice set of custom Ivory Micarta scales she was in, I felt that she would shine better in her original clothes. So while in Vegas, Max was kind enough to make my wish come through
. I was rewarded with a SPECTACULAR shave
. What a smooth shave. Now, if I could only get my wife to leave my face alone


Have a WONDERFUL Thursday (??!!!) gentlemen
. I can't believe the week is almost over...what happened to Monday?!!!

Muhle R89 with Derby
Simpson 56 best
QCS shave cream: Mysore Sandalwood
homemade aftershave

I don't use the 56 too often but am reminded every time that I do what a wonderful brush it is. Even though it's on the small side it whips up a lather like the bejezzus.
Pre-Shave: Hot shower
Brush: Simpson Chubby 1
Razor: Brian Brown 8/8 Spanish Point
Strop: 40/60 Neil Miller Linen/English Bridle
Soap: Sir Irisch Moos
After shave: Sir Irisch Moos
Results: One man, one face, one razor. And what a razor
Four days since last shave, and finally this beauty arrived today. She's one heavy 'gal, chopped down the whiskers like a freight train playing sheep bowling, BBS in two passes

Friday morning:

Razor: Superspeed
Blade: Dorco ST 301 (3)
Cream: Godrej Deluxe
Brush: Omega 10018
A/S: MG5
ASB: Gaia Organic
Early this morning:

Pre-Shave: Hot shower
Brush: my Grandfather's pewter EverReady with new 20mm TNG silvertip, restored by Rudy Vey
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Derby
Cream: RazoRock XXX shaving cream soap - face lather
A/S: Proraso pre-post shaving cream
ASB: Geo F. Trumper sandalwood skin food
Preshave: Hot towel over uberlather soak
Uberlather: SMN/CM 1752 Almond/Glycerin
Scuttle: Handpainted Delft bowl
Brush: Baja Pure Badger
Razor: Beau Brommel No. 18, 1930's
Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel
Moisturizer: Ambre de Venezia
AfterShave: Vintage Chanel for Men
EDT: Cuore di Pepe Nero

$caswell 003.jpg

Found Caswell Massey 1752 Almond Cream in Marshall's for $7! Hah! Combined with the Santa Maria Novella, the scent was heavenly. The first WTG pass left me pretty smooth, but I had lather left over. So I just kept lathering and stroking. You know how it is!

I dug out a tub of Ambre de Venezia body moisturizer I bought in Manhattan years ago that has always smelled way too good...they should've made an AS or edt out of it. Combined with the other scents, I smell pretty good, if I do say so myself. Oh, I've got Acoustic Alchemy playing softly in the background, a great bottle of chilled white wine on the table, a beautiful dinner plated up, and I am about to go for the cheek to cheek test.

Gentlemen, may your evening end as well as mine (hopefully) will!!!
13/16 Stabil, Full Hollow Ground, Round Point
Imperial Shave Pegasus III Strop
Rooney 3/1 Silvertip
Martin de Candre
Alum Block
TOBS No.74 Victorian Lime Aftershave
TOBS No.74 Victorian Lime Cologne

Friday, 28.Oct.2011

Predopobarba Proraso
Vie-Long 14080 horse & badger
Boots Cool Cologne
7 O'Clock long comb
Bluebird Hi-Stainless
Thayers Witch Hazel lemon
Weleda Apès Rasage

SOTD 28.10.11

morning chaps

proraso pre and post

valobra menthol

new forest tubby 2

gillette slim adjustable @ 3 with gillette platinum ( 1 )

floid italian blue

thayers witch hazel cucumber

first time with the slim for a while - didnt crank it up too much

decent job i reckon
$SOTD 27 okt 2011.jpg
Pils Stainless Steel Double Edge Safety Razor.
Feather New Hi-Stainless (Ninja Sharp) DE Blade.
Simpson's Wee Scot 3 band in Best Badger Loft: 36 mm / Knot: 14 mm.

Klar Shaving Soap (Heidelberg-Germany).
Klar Klassik After Shave.
Eau De Rochas After Shave Balm.

Have a nice Friday !

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