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GC .68/.84, Blackland Blackbird, or Osprey?

In the past few weeks, I've started gaining interest in trying a more efficient razor than my Henson mild to see if I could find something that I wouldn't have to buffer my face to smithereens in order to reduce irritation and get a more consistent shave.

Before I got the Henson, I was considering the GC .68 or .84, and that's still on my radar, but I've also read a lot of interesting feedback about the Blackbird (I'm thinking about a polished Ti variant) ranging from "Omg, it butchered my face!" to "Wow, this was one of the most enjoyable and unique shaves I've ever experienced and now it will be my #1" and it's got me wondering if I should take the leap and at least give it a shot. Of course, in looking at Blackland's offerings I also discovered the newer Osprey and have read some equally wowed reviews, but there seems to be a lot less info about it still and not many head to head comparisons with the Blackbird to put it into context. I understand that on the low settings it should be much gentler than the Blackbird, but it appears to adjust to have an even larger gap and possibly be more aggressive, though the experience itself could be totally different which is kinda in-line with what Shane had told me after reaching out to them.

Am I totally overthinking here and need to go with the GC first? Are the Blackland options going to be a totally different animal, and if so, would I benefit from gravitating toward one vs the other? I'd love to hear from some of you and try to augment my thinking beyond some of the threads and info I've found myself!
Jumping from a Henson mild to a Blackbird is too much! You probably won't like that huge change in blade feel and aggression. The Blackbird Lite could be an option, I liked it. The Osprey is an adjustable, so that could be a good option, although a totally different experience when compared to a fixed DE. The GC is always a good option that doesn't break the bank and it that case, I would recommend looking at the Lupo line, potentially the 58 or 72. The Lupos are among my favourite razors.
I'll go in a different direction and recommend the Karve Overlander in your choice of metals. IMHO it's like a Henson but much more efficient.

Of course Blackland has a 30 day money back guarantee so if you want to try it I'd suggest the Blackbird Lite. You'd only be out the cost of shipping if you decide to return it.


Cool and slimy
We have the same problem as you do when making an educated guess what you will like or not.

Basically, you have a Henson and want something more effective.

The rules out a lot of super mild razors, but where the buck stops for you in terms of aggression, which angle you prefer, light or heavy razors, long or short handles... you likely don't know it yourself either because you might not have tried many razors besides the Henson AL13 yet.

Many want to buy the one perfect razor for them. First try.
That's a fine wish, but the chance for that to happen is very low.

I would try cheaper razors first, different ones. You can sell them on, or keep and collect them. Till they fall from grace and get replaced by better razors.

Blackland has the 30 day return policy, if you are living in the USA this is quite an offer, as @Big_T already pointed out.

If you are from Europe, maybe give the Bayonetta a try. I think you should buy a few more razors to dial in your preferences first before spending big bucks. Not exactly cheap and economic advice, I know. :)

The Blackbird gives you a bit more leeway with the angle than the very guided Henson, take that in mind and try to shave a bit more shallow.

If you want to try the Blackbird, go with the SB version.
I tried the GC .84 and didn’t like it much, but lots of folks here like it. I have a Henson med and Blackbird both Ti and stainless. Don’t have the Osprey but here good things about it.

The Bird is my favorite razor but it has lots of blade feel compared to your Henson. It’s not aggressive, just a different feel while shaving that you have to adjust to. Might want to start with the lite version and see how you like it.

Another razor you might want to consider is the Rocca R94. A decent step up from the Henson but not as blade forward as the Blackbird.


I shaved a fortune
We have the same problem as you do when making an educated guess what you will like or not.

Basically, you have a Henson and want something more effective.

The rules out a lot of super mild razors, but where the buck stops for you in terms of aggression, which angle you prefer, light or heavy razors, long or short handles... you likely don't know it yourself either because you might not have tried many razors besides the Henson AL13 yet.

Many want to buy the one perfect razor for them. First try.
That's a fine wish, but the chance for that to happen is very low.

I would try cheaper razors first, different ones. You can sell them on, or keep and collect them. Till they fall from grace and get replaced by better razors.

Blackland has the 30 day return policy, if you are living in the USA this is quite an offer, as @Big_T already pointed out.

If you are from Europe, maybe give the Bayonetta a try. I think you should buy a few more razors to dial in your preferences first before spending big bucks. Not exactly cheap and economic advice, I know. :)

The Blackbird gives you a bit more leeway with the angle than the very guided Henson, take that in mind and try to shave a bit more shallow.

If you want to try the Blackbird, go with the SB version.
In the States, we can get a Bayonetta from Amazon for $57 or so... It's a great razor, even at that price. It fits well with my much more expensive razors.... For me, it's falls in the upper end of the mild range... All my razors it into that upper mild to lower medium range, as my face tends to like them and they are efficient enough for my old man, grey whiskers. I didn't care for the finish, but a couple hand polishes with Simichrome made it shine.

If @panzerkiller13 is looking for something in the lower end of the high priced razors, I think Lambda still have a few Athenas left from this batch available, but with shipping, I think the cost is around $275, or so.
If you like your Henson mild, have you considered getting a Henson medium or aggressive?

If you are looking at a Game Changer, I find the mild to be similar to the GC 68p, so you'd want to go with a 76 or 84p.

The Blackbird is a very different animal, it and I did not get along, but others like it a lot.

If you've got cash burning a hole in your pocket, the adjustable Osprey would give you the ability to change, of course.
Out of your options, if you've always used a Henson mild I'd go with the following:

Razorock GameChanger .68P and .84P (This way you can try 2 different levels of efficiency)

Reasoning: Blackbird like most said is going to be too big a jump in blade feel and is the most likely to be a disappointment. That being said Blackland offers 30 days return no questions asked so If you really like the design you could test it and if it does not work just send it back. Osprey seems nice but extremely expensive.

Other alternatives I would suggest:

  • Parker Variant or Merkur Progress (way more affordable) and very few people dislike them. They give great shaves and let you adjust the desired efficiency like the Osprey.
  • Karve Overlander, Lambda Athena, Yates Merica are quite efficient and gentle on the skin.
  • Rex Konsul is great if you want to splash the money for an American made premium adjustable that is efficient yet gentle.
My GC .68P is the mildest razor I own, and that includes two Techs and a Merkur 34C. Others say the .68P is more aggressive than the Tech, but I haven't found that to be the case.

You'd probably want to try the .84P if you want to go the GC route. I have that plate, too, and it's an amazing shave. Only moderately aggressive and absolutely smooth and comfortable. Too aggressive to be my regular shave, but I have some skin issues that most don't.

I don't have an Osprey or a Henson and so can't compare them.
I started with a SuperSpeed, then a 34G, and used them for years. I've also had Tech, adjustables, and others along the way. I liked my GC .68. It was slightly more aggressive than the others, but I found the longer handle awkward. When GC offered a shorter/thicker handle, I liked it even more. With covid, I began to shave less frequently and ordered the .76 head. When I began shaving even less frequently, I started using a sharper blade, rather than go to a .84 head. I find the GC and options provide a good shave without breaking the bank.


Ditto, ditto
Blackbird Lite. If it doesn’t work, send it back within 30 days. But, it will. Spectacularly.

I’ve had the GC .68 and .84. My face just didn’t agree with them.

I personally don’t see the need for adjustable, but, many will disagree,
Anything from below would supposedly be more efficient (I listed some razors from mid aggression/efficiency level, that should be more efficient) ... cast your dice:
RR Lupo 72
RR GC 76
RR Mamba 90
Blackbird Lite
Green Cult SB I (or II)
Henson Aggressive (reportedly mid is not to different from mild)
Tatara Masamune + Nodachi combination say masamune top + nodachi SB baseplate
RR SuperSlant L2+
Yaqi Mellon
Yaqi Tile (a more aggresive Henson clone, should be somewhere between ++ and +++)
preWar Tech (tech is considered a mild razor, but preWar supposedly more aggresive in the mid range)

Some more price conscious adjustables:
Parker Variant (SB or OC) adjustable
Pearl Flexi adjustable
Shield adjustable
Gillete Slim
Gillete super adjustable
Yaqi adjustable (probably too aggresive)
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You'll get a bunch of answers. Short version: the Osprey will do everything any of the fixed options can, in a single platform.

If you just want to try some variety, by all means, the GCs are budget friendly, excellent finish, and excellent shavers (as are the Karve & Blackbird fixed lines).

Edit: Coming from Henson, the Osprey will be the easiest transition. I have the Konsul, Ambassador, Flexi, et al, and the weights and aggression at lower settings are just incredibly different.
In the States, we can get a Bayonetta from Amazon for $57 or so... It's a great razor, even at that price. It fits well with my much more expensive razors.... For me, it's falls in the upper end of the mild range... All my razors it into that upper mild to lower medium range, as my face tends to like them and they are efficient enough for my old man, grey whiskers. I didn't care for the finish, but a couple hand polishes with Simichrome made it shine.

If @panzerkiller13 is looking for something in the lower end of the high priced razors, I think Lambda still have a few Athenas left from this batch available, but with shipping, I think the cost is around $275, or so.
This thread is the first I recall seeing anything about the Bayonetta mentioned, I'll have to check it out!

I've just started seeing some info about the Athena, but I can't say I'm a fan of the handle shape and would hate to pay such a premium for the whole razor when it's not really aesthetically pleasing to me... Titanium razors, on the other hand, have a very strong appeal to me, and if Blackland still offered the purple anodized option I would have already ordered one! As it is... I am considering getting my own setup to anodize myself if I end up going this route.

I forgot to mention- I DID re-start DE shaving last year after about a 9 year hiatus (started in college with a cheap Van Der Hagen set from the grocery store and never tried anything better... needless to say I never reached very comfortable results) with a Timeless Ti polished 0.68 SCL/SB razor which I ultimately ended up returning. I spent a good deal of time reading about mild/comfortable razors on here before pulling the trigger, and had narrowed down my first attempt to either the Timeless, Henson Mild, or the Game Changer .68. I had a few good shaves with it, but also a few that left my face feeling like it was on fire. Honestly, I felt like I wasn't getting the enjoyment out of it that I should've, but I know a large part of this was due to my lack of experience or honing in on any of the OTHER variables for me (blades, soaps that worked well, brush, AS, preshave, the whole nine yards) so I decided to go with the Henson next since it seemed to be the more "automatic" choice. I've been getting pretty decent results, but the closeness of shaves and the amount of buffering I sometimes have to do is leaving a bit to be desired.

If you like your Henson mild, have you considered getting a Henson medium or aggressive?

If you are looking at a Game Changer, I find the mild to be similar to the GC 68p, so you'd want to go with a 76 or 84p.

The Blackbird is a very different animal, it and I did not get along, but others like it a lot.

If you've got cash burning a hole in your pocket, the adjustable Osprey would give you the ability to change, of course.
I have considered this, as well as getting the Ti version considering my love and preference for all things titanium, but have read a lot of mixed feedback regarding the actual differences between the +, ++, and +++ so it seemed like it could be all for naught. I figured the Blackbird is kinda moving toward the "other" extreme, which had me wanting to experiment and challenge myself to learn it as the reviews of those that figured it out are very very positive. But then, discovering the Osprey had me thinking I could have a bit of the best of both worlds AND titanium, albeit with the more Mike Tyson-esque punch to the wallet than the Blackbird.
You'll get a bunch of answers. Short version: the Osprey will do everything any of the fixed options can, in a single platform.

If you just want to try some variety, by all means, the GCs are budget friendly, excellent finish, and excellent shavers (as are the Karve & Blackbird fixed lines).

Edit: Coming from Henson, the Osprey will be the easiest transition. I have the Konsul, Ambassador, Flexi, et al, and the weights and aggression at lower settings are just incredibly different.
This, along with the other positive feedback of the GC, has me thinking that trying one with 2 different plates first might be the best way to go, and if I like having the multiple options, then bite the bullet for an Osprey. This route also gives me more time to prepare for the impact of the Osprey, so that's a secondary win! :p
@panzerkiller13, I think you are right with your plan. You will need to try for yourself. I started with a Rockwell 6c, which gave me an idea of what I liked (plate 4). I guessed I was more on the mild side, so I tried a few mild options, including the Timeless 68OC, which was not efficient enough for me. It led me to press harder, which caused more irritation. I bought the Blackbird Lite, after reading the standard was too much, same thing, not enough efficiency for me (as a side note, I shave every 2-3 days). I tried the Lupo 72 and 95, loved both, kept the 95. "Alright! I like more aggressive razors!"... I exchanged the BB Lite for the standard plate and it is too aggressive for my face, although very efficient. "Damn, what the hell do I like?". I own and love the Karve Overlander. I enjoyed the Timeless Slim. Tried a selection of Yaqi heads and loved the more aggressive and blade forward of them... I guess I am all over the place. I think that's the journey for many people. You read and do your research only to be disproven by your stubble.
That's the reason why only 1% of people that turn to safety razors to save money, don't go bankrupt in the process.
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I don't have a funny description.
@panzerkiller13, I think you are right with your plan. You will need to try for yourself. I started with a Rockwell 6c, which gave me an idea of what I liked (plate 4). I guessed I was more on the mild side, so I tried a few mild options, including the Timeless 68OC, which was not efficient enough for me. It led me to press harder, which caused more irritation. I bought the Blackbird Lite, after reading the standard was too much, same thing, not enough efficiency for me (as a side note, I shave every 2-3 days). I tried the Lupo 72 and 95, loved both, kept the 95. "Alright! I like more aggressive razors!"... I exchanged the BB Lite for the standard plate and it is too aggressive for my face, although very efficient. "Damn, what the hell do I like?". I own and love the Karve Overlander. I enjoyed the Timeless Slim. Tried a selection of Yaqi heads and loved the more aggressive and blade forward of them... I guess I am all over the place. I think that's the journey for many people. You read and do your research only to be disproven by your stubble.
That's the reason why only 1% of people that turn to safety razors to save money, don't go bankrupt in the process.

My grandpa, who is now 90 years old, is still using the little cheap travel razor his father gifted him when he was 17. And no problems whatsoever.
This thread is the first I recall seeing anything about the Bayonetta mentioned, I'll have to check it out!

I've just started seeing some info about the Athena, but I can't say I'm a fan of the handle shape and would hate to pay such a premium for the whole razor when it's not really aesthetically pleasing to me... Titanium razors, on the other hand, have a very strong appeal to me, and if Blackland still offered the purple anodized option I would have already ordered one! As it is... I am considering getting my own setup to anodize myself if I end up going this route.

I forgot to mention- I DID re-start DE shaving last year after about a 9 year hiatus (started in college with a cheap Van Der Hagen set from the grocery store and never tried anything better... needless to say I never reached very comfortable results) with a Timeless Ti polished 0.68 SCL/SB razor which I ultimately ended up returning. I spent a good deal of time reading about mild/comfortable razors on here before pulling the trigger, and had narrowed down my first attempt to either the Timeless, Henson Mild, or the Game Changer .68. I had a few good shaves with it, but also a few that left my face feeling like it was on fire. Honestly, I felt like I wasn't getting the enjoyment out of it that I should've, but I know a large part of this was due to my lack of experience or honing in on any of the OTHER variables for me (blades, soaps that worked well, brush, AS, preshave, the whole nine yards) so I decided to go with the Henson next since it seemed to be the more "automatic" choice. I've been getting pretty decent results, but the closeness of shaves and the amount of buffering I sometimes have to do is leaving a bit to be desired.

I have considered this, as well as getting the Ti version considering my love and preference for all things titanium, but have read a lot of mixed feedback regarding the actual differences between the +, ++, and +++ so it seemed like it could be all for naught. I figured the Blackbird is kinda moving toward the "other" extreme, which had me wanting to experiment and challenge myself to learn it as the reviews of those that figured it out are very very positive. But then, discovering the Osprey had me thinking I could have a bit of the best of both worlds AND titanium, albeit with the more Mike Tyson-esque punch to the wallet than the Blackbird.

This, along with the other positive feedback of the GC, has me thinking that trying one with 2 different plates first might be the best way to go, and if I like having the multiple options, then bite the bullet for an Osprey. This route also gives me more time to prepare for the impact of the Osprey, so that's a secondary win! :p
Before pulling the trigger on a new razor, have you tried different blades? I find that when I use my Henson + with a Feather or BIC, I can get as efficient a shave as I get with my Blackbird Lite with a Wizamet or Rapira Platinum Luxe.

I went a similar route as you. I started with a Merkur Slant with a Feather blade and did not love the combo. Switched to a Henson + with the RK blade. Better, but was not in love with it. Switched to a Henson ++ with the RK. Better still.

Then I started messing with blades. The Henson + with a Feather, BIC or PermaSharp is amazing - for me. In the ++, I really liked the PermaSharps, Nacets and 7'oclock Blacks. I went back to the Merkur with a Wizamet. Excellent shave.

Don't get me wrong, I love having a nice stable of razors, brushes, blades, soaps, et. al., but...with the right blade, you may be able to get an outstanding and efficient shave with an AL-13.

That said, my fourth razor was a Blackbird Lite. While there was a learning curve, it wasn't a painful one and I was getting great shaves with it on day 1. With that razor, I really like the German Personnas

I also picked up a Blackbird with SB and OC plates. The TiBird with OC plate and a Wizamet blade is probably my favorite DE shaving combo.

But that's just my experience...
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